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Everything posted by Pandamonium

  1. That looks great, those wheels really look well, be sweet when all together
  2. Good man, will look well with the toms bits
  3. Advance is great, which I had found one at the time. Sure when you get skirts its a great excuse to sort lip lol. Kbond that's the one Idrees has
  4. Think they are the same, its just that one goes up the bumper as opposed to under it
  5. That's the other version than mine, looks great in the advance colours
  6. Got you know mate. I don't have skirts, its on my to get list lol. Check my build for the front splitter with toms rear spats />http://www.ukstarletowners.com/index.php?showtopic=19540&st=270#entry746340
  7. I love my livesports front lip cause of the way it lines up with the front bumper, looks oem
  8. Don't remember the 3point mate but it sounds like too much work lol
  9. Thats the plan mate, was just wondering had anyone actually done their own before I waste time haha
  10. Was only thinking as the one I got for the front of the gls doesnt fit, think its been either in car that had a front end bump or was bent in the post which seems unlikely, so I had to steal the GTs front brace for it, so I have a front strut lying around now that I cant sell or use on the front of a car
  11. I've seen pics of front strut braces on the rear, has anyone here done their own? Is it as simple as cutting welds off, shortening the centre bar and then re-welding ends on? Ta
  12. Cheers mate, hopefully get it washed today and get a pic of it, then need to see whats best solution for exhaust
  13. Finally got this bitch lowered, looks much better, but GT is now running standard rear sus so arse high. Also stole the strut brace off the GT as the one I got for this seems to be fecked And to top it off, the exhaust is buggered, blowing at the join and what is coming out does not look too nice
  14. Welcome to the forum mate, get some pics up
  15. That's looking really well, nice work
  16. TACKY SILVER?????? Thats what makes the GLS a GLS. This car will never be broke to the extent of door cards, will be sold on as a car. Cheers Galliano, its the one Idrees had to make he reps from, got it for a good price lol. Should look good, if i ever get round to getting it on. Im not putting skirts on it, the centre is low enough, plus I would loose the chrome below the doors, so im just making her level all the way round.
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