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Everything posted by MARCUSep91

  1. yeah thats the one to do is a laugh or if your not in a snowy place atm find a large grass field n have fun sliding around on that lol
  2. an hour in the wrong direction lol try not to do that this time then lol
  3. and thats the way your phones background should stay........... until they say weres my pic gone !
  4. asif it is since when ??????
  5. ok thats cool i think im coming just depends what ma mate is doin lol ill confirm before the end of the month cheeeeers!!!
  6. unlucky with it mate like the new one !!! quick question what the average kinda life time on a turbo ? just wondering when i might have to change it ?
  7. yeah because u neva know there prob start going round our cars and looking for things to pull us up on . not being funny there is enough of us that is going to be there and if anyone turns up who isnt wanted there guna be out numbered a little on the voting lol qucik questions when do numbers need to be definate for the rolling road session ?
  8. lol funi how snow brings out the kids in everyone 1 !!!! yeah get vids up if there good send em of to youve bin framed lol 250 smackers lol
  9. have a go mate should look good in my opinion plus it sumfink new to do and try out !
  10. cheers mate !!! yeah think everything has to be done at weekends now by the time i get back from work it freezin n pitch black lol
  11. lmao nutter it aint snowing here lol but i aint got a damm bonnet to play with lol
  12. chers for that mate ill give it ago wen i got a sec
  13. ive got a flip out dvd cd player from my old car to put in my starlet,prob is looking at were the standard cd player is there is a fairly big lip above it so i dont think itll open.... has anyone else got 1 in there car ? if so were have you put it ? many thanks
  14. Hi mate post loads av a laugh marcus
  15. id imagine if u wanted just the outer rime painted id say go to any place who does refurbs and powder coating as they are more likley to specialise in these sorta things. not sure as were though, a place near me in rochford does refurbs n stuff like that so they may be worth a try . rochford tyres put it in google and have a look there also very good for alloys always bought from them
  16. lol some of these are quality making a day a work even better lol
  17. im in operations in a private investment bank in a london called arbuthnot latham, enjoy the daily commute by train yer whatever
  18. that cool year brakes n that are all sorted n that so prob just end up going for the power gains now !
  19. looking forward to hearing bout the end product mate , n get the gearbox its wicked !!!!!!!
  20. should be up for this so if all is sorted before then im def coming to rolling road and meal ill confirm soonish, whens the latest you can be told ?
  21. feel free when your bored to have a chat lol marcus0102@hotmail.com
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