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About shorty

  • Rank
    Unhealthily Addicted
  • Birthday 08/14/1984

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  1. Cant put a price on the happiness cars can bring us, well worth the effort on the body work front for sure.
  2. Hell yea man! Massive mile stones. Bet you are buzzing for the mot now!
  3. Fair play! What a labour of love dude.
  4. You not tempted to come back to a starlet? I've got a ep70 tucked away at Grants garage, 10 odd years after selling all the starlets up haha.
  5. SI!! My (genuine) cruise bonnet owning brother. Good to see you pop up again.
  6. Such a cool GT. Well done on the trophies man, well deserved! *not commented in a while as was logged out the forum and the password reset doesn't work because the forum is so dead on its arse now 😔
  7. Its moving along well now then dude. tbh i think your looks better without the fenders on. They were cool when rare back in the day, now theres copies everywhere. yours looks so clean with out them 😍
  8. Just seen the vid, god damn i love your gt!! Proper clean build, hats off to you sir and fair play to Mark, clearly proud of the car too.
  9. Fairplay! Awesome looking build mate. No crank work though? Is a stock crank ok for big revs?
  10. Ah mate, thats epic! I actually love your GT. Looking forward to the video, make sure to give us a heads up so we don't miss it.
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