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Everything posted by MARCUSep91

  1. isn't it lol were your boogey team mate i think ferdinand battle
  2. ok people dont know if this has been done before, who supports who?????????? me-WESTHAM go on your irons!!!!
  3. no worries mate everyone on her are really helpful ull be sure to find a answer to any question on her marcus
  4. that lip looks nice might have to invest !!!
  5. any idea on wen your gettin it ? ne plans for her
  6. ne meets planed for santa pod chaps ?
  7. nice car mate best of luck with her
  8. the question is what would u like to knw sure anyone on here can help
  9. go on the teg love it in black aswell havent seen many about like that usually white and red
  10. lololol im in rayleigh near famous southend !!!!!! ESSEX !!!!!!
  11. cheers mate ill look after it dont worry love the car to bits bets the old punto hgt!!
  12. nice car mate good luck with it when it finally arrives !!!!!
  13. yeah looks nice now mate well done n good luck
  14. no worries mate just make sure you find a good one shelling out a bit more dosh might secure u a car in better condition
  15. up to you fella im onli going to do it once sorted uprated turbo and everything so then it worth going over 112 lol
  16. yeah its the one in the pic. not sure on the process fella all i know is im leavin mine on so dont end up ragging it, beating cars of the line is more my thing lol and u wont be getting beating by a corsa !!!
  17. love the colour selection mate very tidy indeed
  18. llooks awsome on that other starlet id be interested to see what it lloks like on one without the rest of the kit!!!!! it is unique i like !!!
  19. the one i recently bought was up for 6000 due to the mods but obv part x my car and got it for alot less. the limiter im not sure y they are limited but at least u know they havent been taken over 112 lol
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