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Everything posted by jellybaby

  1. Soz about spelling I was sitting here today in my office and fort to see if anyone would be up for a huge road trip to the ring at some point so we all could open out motors up on the auto barns ?? I just seeing if people would be up for it then I could look for deals eh hotels ferry etc
  2. Looked at the link I bored morzine quite alot it a nice area spec if u get the full ski pass u go from France to switzland and bk well worth it
  3. Just do the simple checks ATM so they can be eliminated then if still no joy we can look deeper in to things
  4. Also if u got a multi meter to check the alternator charging prop by setting it to volts and put it across the bat and should read roughly 14.5 volts if charging prop
  5. Yep next to the fuel pressure reg but main one to check is one on the gear box and the slam panel
  6. Check ya positive as well and just check all ya earths also make sure ya bat not lose
  7. Tbh earth straps are crap on starlets I made my own lol.
  8. Dibs on the gadge holder please i will pm u a offer now
  9. Hello would anyone be happy to make me a sig Just something like that just edited etc
  10. Welcome my friend glad to see u on here hopefully be bringing the motor up in new year one I got all my money sorted lol
  11. Hello people I currently intrested in a dog box my engine will b running 350 bhp plus once all done I noticed a dog box for sale but are there ratios good for a fast road track car ? 1st- 2.909 2nd-2.25 3rd-1.688 4th-1.294 5th-1.0 final drive 3.8
  12. I normaly go alps or Andorra never fort about Scotland as don't no what the resorts are like
  13. Lol sorry for my poor grammar lol and where about u go john ?
  14. Rip Dave I miss him alot I known him For years used to go round for t and spent hours in his work shop. My current build is going to b in mem of Dave b as I still close to his son. I would happly pay at least 20 quid towards the air ambulance if we had a annual meet
  15. Ramdom to ask I no but I Snowbored at least once a year and looking for new people to go with etc
  16. Looking good feller hopefuly be able to have a look at it when I get to the shows lol Looking good feller hopefuly be able to have a look at it when I get to the shows lol
  17. Cheers feller they not to bad to be expected really lol Shame no one selling one on here
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