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Everything posted by jellybaby

  1. i will come up from colchester to if goes to plan once i finaly finished my motor
  2. hello to you all i am nearly ready for my massive build to be completed however i have alot left to do and was wondering if any of you kind fellows want to come give me a hand one weekend i will supply food and water as well as a place to crash in the yard ? also be a good time to meet some of the members on here
  3. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats that sold then lol best i order the op rear lip then as well as the skirts and the wings lol where u get the skirts from ?
  4. hello all i need to know what fittings i need for my braided hoses for my td05 turbo as my turbo and pipes didnt come with any
  5. hello everyone me again i stuck between the jam or the yaris rear bumper for my v but i dont no what one will look the best i also have got on order some liversports front wings
  6. Hello anyone have a idea on what temp thermostat to have in a oil cooler is 85 ok or still to cold ?
  7. They are open weekends they away racing 2 moz night. And yer once it done and painted i put some up. But if u pm me ya number I get Clarke to give u A ring also ya name lol
  8. Okie it not got one then as drivers side huge lol and dont spin o well guess I get saving for one now as well as a blitz ative clutch
  9. Hello stupid question but with out ripping the box out is there any easy way to check eg drive shafts lengths etc as pass side I have a very small shaft. I no most cars have one longer then the other Any help much appriated
  10. Cw road and race are doing mine ATM up in gosfield in Essex cost me 1000 all in and that fully custom with through dash
  11. jellybaby

    Gear box

    Hello Anyone selling a gearbox for a. Ep91 poss with a LSD as well
  12. Hello can anyone help me with knowing which pin or pins for the rpm And throttle as want to wire my Bc in to the ecu
  13. I All about hunting about and being like a hawk once u see something u want as u blink its gone. It taken 2 years to get to this stage
  14. Yep taking alot of hunting about but worth it now got to put it all together x
  15. This lovely turned up today U got a very busy next few days fitting everything I keep u all posted
  16. After a cheeky hunt On eBay I found this lovely exhaust jap speed system For a bargain 150 quid
  17. Socks where did u get your clutch from ? Also u running a diff flywheel ?
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