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Everything posted by Starletraje

  1. i asked you if you wanted a meet! was a good day, and sam, that mud was from 2 separate countries and was collected over 400 miles... have to say i was impressed with boss valeting... much better than the shitty place here by the way dub... that button ohh my god!!!
  2. go to properties, compatibility and set it to windows 2000 and it will work, i had the same problem installing autocad onto my vista pc
  3. we have the following (taken from email to bourkey) 1) Bourkey - Starlet SR Turbo 180ishbph? 2) Craig N - Glanza S 100 bhp 3) StarletRaje - N15 100bhp 4) Asda - Sportif 75bhp 5) Rickstar - Glanza replica 75bhp 6) Bluebear - Sportif 75bhp 7) Dub Se7en - Starlet Sportif Turbo 200ishbhp Ballam - Seat ibiza 70bhp good spread of cars
  4. so bourkey, am i honorary M-SAS member on saturday?
  5. it was egg mayo actually... and the dent? actually... i know what small pointy object you carry all the time so i really don't wanna know what you did... maybe it weren't egg mayo after all...
  6. arses... over the past month i've had someone put a dent in my tailgate with some sort of sharp object, throw a sandwich on my car and attempt to rip my wing mirror off. It not like my car stands out either... someone must just not like me
  7. lookin forward to seein this again next month dude. you find out if those dates are cool yet?
  8. thats cause its not done much more than a mile in a year
  9. lol... back in my naive days before i owned my own car i thought thats how it was done... but probly would worked it out when the fiter didn't fit the stock pipes... epic fail
  10. just spent ages reading this after bourkey linked me... its insane how bad that car was...
  11. maaan... uksc is one messed up jar of headcases... well to add another to the pot... my name is raje, i gotta crush on a girl who lives 300 miles away. and im not an alcoholic. and don't do crack. and forget my point...
  12. when bread goes solid... microwave a life lesson
  13. waitaminute... asad... firsttoymota?
  14. my gran has a caramel bar that ran out of dat in, get this, june 2005 beat that
  15. solitude ftw... gotta buy like 5 things... thats all... actually... solitude ftl ;)
  16. 97.9, just cant believe its 91 near you... but it is rather pleasing to see £60 and a higher number of litres than pounds
  17. but remember... giving up is the easy option...
  18. aw, leave him. come to me. you know it makes sense
  19. absolutely not... we just make a mess...
  20. oh she also goes mental when i refer to her boyfriend as "truncheon man" as he is a copper
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