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Posts posted by ste91

  1. I'll have a look at anti roll bars, haven't read much about them really.

    As for the springs and shock absorbers, do they have to be GOOD ones, and around how much are you looking at for some decent ones?

    What about strut braces? Do they make alot of difference? Worth buying one, or maybe making one?

    They look fairly simple, I've seen other people use "home made" ones, so that could be a possibility, and I do have some engineering knowledge (did a course on engineering while I was still in school).

    Anyhow thanks for replies, I'll go and read up about anti roll bars :)

  2. I don't really know that much about handling/suspension, although I do know the bare basics of it.

    Well I've seen it mentioned a few times that Starlets handle like poo, and I've felt it myself, going above 60mph round bends (me being a passenger) it does feel as if there is no grip and no weight holding you down.

    Lower profile tyres and getting more rubber on the road is the first thing, which I'll have in a couple of weeks when I buy alloys+tyres (currently on standard wheels and tyres).

    And then of course there's lowering. Fairly straightforward.

    But what after that?

    I know of strut braces and things like that, but exactly how far can you go with handling mods, what would be sensible point to stop at (considering the power of the car and other things like that), aswell as how much it's all going to cost.

    How much of a gain would you see from tyres+lowering+front (and maybe rear aswell) strut braces?

    Remember this is for an EP91 N/A, (not sure if the Glanza has different suspension/handling setup as standard) which will probably have some minor engine mods in the future (corolla manifold being the main one).

    So basically I want to know what handling mods are needed to get fairly decent handling and around how much should it cost, or a better way of putting it;

    I don't want to spend too much but I do want some improvements.

  3. If I was in your position I'd f**king move out of the country, that would piss me off so much, I've also been waiting for a few years, it seems like it's taken forever...atleast I've only got 3 months to go until I'm 17.

    Just depends on what month they decide to change it, march is pretty early in the year so you'll probably just miss it unless they decide to be assholes and do it like in january or something...

  4. was a joke mate

    do you live near any tracks? it might be easier to find a lockup place near to a track so you can leave it there so it's nearer the track (if it's a write off I assume you're not going to be fixing it up for road use?)

    because if it was me I'd just leave it near a track, saves the hassle of having to transport it round everywhere (assuming it's not going to be road legal)

  5. I'm no mechanic either but I do have a bit of knowledge, and I don't know all that much (compared to some people on here) about the engines you mentioned. But I guess I can try to give you some help (I'm bored and it's 3:45 AM, lol).

    You can use the inlet manifold from Corollas (ae111 I think, it's the bug eye'd style one) on Starlets, which will give you better top end performance, and is an easy fit it's just a matter of taking the old one off and bolting the new one on, there's loads of topics around here which give you all the info you need.

    If you could get hold of a 4EFTE that would give you the best performance, there are a few differences between the standard 4EFE and the turbo version, such as the con-rods. Which is one reason why you need a full swap rather than just bolting on a turbo to the standard 4EFE.

    From what I've read 5EFE swaps have been done before but I don't know much about them.

    Haven't heard of 4AFE swap.

    Aslong as you don't mess around with it you should have no problem at all with the Glanza engine (especially if you can find one that hasn't been thrashed).

    Like I said I don't know all that much so don't take my word for it, but I have done a fair bit of reading the past few weeks, hope it helps.

  6. not a fan of that kit or bonnet vent and especially not the spoiler

    interior is nice though, not sure on the rims

    just noticed something else (being picky I know)...

    all that bodywork but he still has orange indicators? :(

    all in all it does look good, just not my sort of thing

  7. Did you write down the details from the ad on AT?

    Like in the description where it tells you how many miles it's done, what colour it is, what condition it's in and all that, did it say anything along the lines of:

    "runs fine, good condition, no problems"

    I'm sure there's things you can do about it if he claimed there were no problems when there is, how much did you pay for it?

    How much tax and MOT when you bought it?

    Because it looks to me like he's had problems with it and flogged it so he doesn't have to sort them out himself, especially if the tax is nearly up.

  8. your all so nice cheers for the support guys i dont know what im gonna do this fuckin guy was gettin lairy to my bird today not letting her get a word in. hes a pussy n e way so no worries there lol i think its gonna have to be a night time jobby with a round of baseball.

    could always give him some "party trick treatment"...

    spray water on his windows then roll toilet paper down them so it sticks and completely cover his windows, he'll wonder what's happened when he goes downstairs the next morning and opens the curtains

    if he has a front garden that isn't concrete or something, get a few bags of plastic forks and stick them all in his lawn

    superglue his letterbox shut and the same for his door knocker if he has one


    harmless but hilarious (if you find things like that funny)

    on a more serious note, is this bloke you're talking about the one who sold you the car? where did you buy the car, and was it advertised as "working fine" or "good condition"? something along those lines? if so, you could probably do something about it... false advertising

    ah I just read the first post and saw "private sale"... was it on autotrader or something?

  9. I'm not quite sure what you're tryin to say there, but have you tried drilling through the old screws?

    If they're plastic you shouldn't have too much trouble drilling through them with a cordless drill.

  10. its burning oil. could be piston rings so very pricey. arent you gettin a conversion done? if you are ill grab your engine in it now?

    I knew it was burning oil <_<

    any scrappies near you mate? go and have a look in starlets/corollas and see if you can get the engine out of one that's at a scrappy, like if it's been in a crash and the body is fucked but the engine (atleast the block) is fine, you could always use a 5E-FE if you can't find a 4E.

  11. my one made a massif difference to sound it makes a sucking sound that sounds cool as fook

    Is that with the standard air box?

    If it makes a nice difference on a standard one then I'm definately getting a 'rolla mani, I'd like to have a better sound, and I prefer the intake sound rather than the stupid noise you get from an exhaust. Huge exhausts on N/A... terrible.

  12. took ma bro out with me, he heard it befor i swapped it and after... im running an induction kit, and tha mani now, and ma bro said it sounded "beefier" than the starlet mani. bottom end was the same i thought, but top end throught the power band i noticed a difference, pulled very well and it redlined higher. also the power didnt fade towards higher revs!! My starlet is stripped out, so i think it shud make a lot of difference to the power to weight ratio!!! altho my test drive tonight, i had 2 tool boxes in my car full of carpenters kit and powertools, loads of coats and stuff, bottles, screwfix catologues ect and my bro so wen i take it out tomoz with it empty.. shud hopflly be loads better! took me about 2-3 hours to fit... wasnt hustling to do it, just messin around lol

    those must be heavy B)

    £20? <_< where did you get it from?

    so no loss in low end power then, just a high end gain?

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