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Everything posted by Craig_N

  1. Starts Friday 9th September to 11th
  2. I dont even remember seeing your car Daz Yeah Lewis you wont beat Krispe Kremes ;)
  3. Awesome pics mate My car looks super clean in them pics ;)
  4. Dont think we will get moved on mate because hopefully they will agree to it and if that was the case a few of us could just park on Krispie Kremes car park and when people turn up direct them to the new place
  5. Yeah recieved fine mate thanks Yeah i have cleaned it just needs polishing and heat wrapped then i will get it fitted.
  6. Yeah i would say upto now its at costco until Ishaq hears from the manager so its pointless changing the place if not needed.
  7. We have never been kicked off in the past and had loads of meets there also Miib has been speaking with costco who will be contacting him asap.
  8. Yeah looking good again guys big thanks to Miib for helping sort this out
  9. Not actually to sure what the clicking is but its happened to mine before and i changed the battery and started first time ;)
  10. Yeah im pritty sure thats a new battery.
  11. Dunno need to see what Mark wants to do but id say its worth a try going there.
  12. Think you might be right guys just turn up have a bucket there for donations towards Japan.
  13. Cheers guys Yeah was hoping to have it fitted this weekend but decided i am going to heat wrap it all so need to order the wrap and wait for it to arrive
  14. Its costco's car park not Krispie Kremes tbh if we all turned up and wasnt doing anything wrong carnt see them kicking us off but thats if you all want to risk that dunno whats happening tbh.
  15. Yeah i contacted the costco store and they just said no didnt give me an explanation or anything Not to sure what we can do.
  16. My New exhaust arrived yesterday unpacked it today had a look around it looks in mint condition just needs a right good clean and polish Apexi N1 only thing is ive heard they rot so going to see what we can do before fitting it but hoping it will be on by weekend Craig
  17. Think i will need to ring them and pre-order mine looks like it will be a busy day for Krispy Kremes
  18. Everyone one is in it for the dougnuts who cares about cars
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