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Everything posted by fulham4eva

  1. whats the name of the alloys on this gt????
  2. all i found was an art gallery lol
  3. lol i know but it was a set of seats so not exactly easy to loose lol
  4. your both right, ive sent parcels worth 400quid with no insurance before i certainly wont do that now but i dont use royal mail know anyway because theyre useless
  5. the ebay trader was longlivethehoff and apparently now its retailandtradeoutlet if you want you can check it out lol and apparently royal mail have the right to do it
  6. was just reading the back page of practical performance car mag, and it turns out if you use royal mail and they loose your parcel, they then sell that parcel to ebay traders so they make a nice profit and the poor guy who trusted the royal mail gets shafted . on this occasion is was the ppc boys omex ecu which was to be used on their 27 litre v12 engine with 48 spark plugs, which was then sold by a trader for 580quid even though it was of no use to anyone unless they had a 27 litre v12. did anyone else know this about the royal mail or is it just me that didnt know?????
  7. advantage streetracer nice touch wiv the pic by the way
  8. remember to take the snow off the roof lol, good luck wiv it dude
  9. cheers guys will still be keepin an eye out just incase for the next few days but all seems well
  10. id reposess the bonnet if you did that lol
  11. cheers guys, i was never gonna hit them unless they went at me, just really wanted them to think i was gonna hurt them bad
  12. thankyou, i never felt so manly in my life lol
  13. think ive just seen 2 of them lol, was leavin the house to go back to work and two little pricks were walking past my house and kept lookin over at me so i said 'you got anything to hide' and they bolted caught them at post box near mine told them whats what and if they step foot on my street again theyre head is goin in a vice while i put electricity through theyre bolloks. they apologised and gave me 30quid for the damage rofl. so made 30quid profit from this as we had a spare lock in my brothers lockup
  14. the coreplugs are in with the timing belt theres 3 of them in there, and when you have to put new coreplugs in its the same thing for doing the timing belt you have to take off the side engine mount, but i think you can get at them by just removing the top part of the cover cant remember 100% as i had both covers off anyway to put a new belt on
  15. lol hes quite a weird dog, if me and my bro start messin about he gets in the middle and tries to break it up
  16. i have done this before lol, just let nature run its course but when you do get to turn the engine on make sure no water is coming out of the cam cover as that will mean its knocked a core plug out which is what mine did and forced the belt to snap lol
  17. thats what i was thinkin last nite stayed up till 8am lol, ill either be huntin round the local fevelas 2nite or watchin from the window again. also put the word about alot today with a cash reward if they get the right group. and it turns out that 2 people i spoke to know 2 seperate people whoes cars have been damaged in the same way in the last week 1 of them had her dash completely destroyed just for a crappy cassette player. so spoke to them and got them to report it
  18. my dads gettin a security light for the front, so well see what that does. my brother is gettin a guy out to fit an alarm and immobiliser. ive got a black lab who barks like crazy and looks evil but up close just wants attention lol
  19. also got two guys drivin round the local shit holes lookin for them as well as the police
  20. police just came round and took statements, the same guy that took my statement after i caught a guy in the back yard at work and they tried to stab me almost a year to the day as well just remembered that lol. dont start work till 3pm so ill be the cctv lol think ill get my dad to invest in a system gettin fed up with this now the 4th attack on my familys cars
  21. scotland actually lol, but yeah thats whats sooooo wrong they just get away with it, felt i had to chase them police have just arrived back in a min or not lol
  22. lol the golf club yes always praticing lol, and the knife i was having steak at the time so was holding the steak knife rofl
  23. i wished mate, as soon as i was ready to go half the street were out, and i was shouting at them to fone the police not 1 of them moved wtf is wrong with people. and they really are retarted kids, for one that car has a carb a dodgy 1 at that they would never of got it started and also the whole family were still awake my brothers downstairs room light was on and so was my parents upstairs both facing out to the car. really worried now as my gt is right next to it, im sure theyll be back
  24. 4 14-15 year olds just tried to nick my brothers mk3 escort, just chased them round the corner from me when they finally developed bottle and pulled out knives and came towards me, good job i was armed as well (knife + 9 iron mizuno) once i had them out they fukin ran cant wait to get my hands on them
  25. just had another look at this, and if you look at the 1st pic the bumper lip is nearly touching the wheel , surely a saine person would trim it down so its flush with the bumper
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