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Everything posted by dave_bristol

  1. Its christmas eve ! if i dont get on here tomorrow then MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope father christmas brings you all what you want and you have a great time and happy new year Dave
  2. that looks schweet mate, real nice Dave
  3. cheers for the replys, one more quick question , is the thermostat the same ? mines stuck open so i get cold feet when driving along and sweat when waiting at trtaffic lights Dave
  4. hey enzo mate, i had a swift gti, was 141bhp and it shifted it was definatly quiker than my starbo, the standard swift gti is about the same as the gt turbo when it comes to acceleration upto 3rd gear which is when the starlet pulls on it. my mate has got one which i raced Dave
  5. cool mate just the engine now then DAve
  6. Hi all, ive knicked this from the TGGT forum but it means as much here as it does there nope this is not one of them threads with lots of photos of bad crashes caused by drink driving.. just that i have seen some loons on the roads over the last few days already, and just want to say Merry Christmas to all, and please be safe on the roads.. hope to see you all in one piece after the holiday season Please DONT drink and drive Dave P.s. lets hope the club gets stronger and stronger from here on in
  7. yeah just had a look, looks really nice but the price seems to be flying high now though DAve
  8. whats the easiest way to do this ? wouldnt mind knowing for summer use Dave
  9. the glanzas and the gts DO NOT need a cat to pass an mot, irrespective of age, this is due to the fact there is no listing for them on the mot database, this is beacuse they werent produced for the uk, they would enter it for a standard bet test (basic emmisions test) which it would fail, then it would go onto default mode which only checks idle emmissions which you will fly through, Dave
  10. hi all, do these 2 engines share the same parts (cap and rotor) ? Cheers Dave
  11. yeah, congrats to everyone who has made it what it is Dave
  12. welcome aboard mate, car looks lovely any plans for it ? DAve
  13. happy Bday mate have a good'n dave
  14. cheers mate i got it, unsure about it now, as it sounds beutifull. i can change the format and host this video if its ok with Jaystar77, dont wanna do it until he says its ok though Dave
  15. have a look on ebay and autotrader mate, theres quite a few on there, how much you lookig to spend ? Dave (also turn caps off it looks like your shouting )
  16. cheers for the replys, any idea of where i can find any videos/sound clips of one of these systems really want one but ive gotta be carefull on the sound Dave
  17. im might be interested in getting one of these wepr systems but am a bit concerned about the volume of it, mainly because i get enough unwanted attention with the car standard (from the police), my 2 previous cars both had loud exhausts on and i think i want it quieter now, any ideas on how loud the system is ? DAve
  18. try disconnecting the battery for a little while then reconnecting. this erases the memory on my pioneer headunit, might work on yours 2 Dave
  19. petbeemer does a s/s one for £80 http://www.autofixed.co.uk/toyotastarletexhaustpage.htm Dave
  20. not the best but shows the wheels at the right size Dave
  21. to be honest Honest mate i wouldnt bother, they are a c*nt to keep clean due to the deep dish style of them, also cant imagine they would look that great on a glanza either, i had some on my swift before i bouth the starlet and they looked great but this was because they suited the angles on the car. they are on ebay right now ! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/17-suzuki-swift-gti-...1QQcmdZViewItem Dave
  22. things can get too serious on some forums, glad to be a part of one of the few decent ones around dave
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