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Everything posted by dave_bristol

  1. got this far and ran outta time sorry mate looks nice though DAve
  2. haha thats quality e sure ones great 2 DAve
  3. yup i think so mate, looks really nice not to ott DAve
  4. hope you had a nice'n Dave
  5. hows this, colours a bit off but you get the idea i personally like it Dave
  6. will do mate, looks like i wont be able to see it until sat now Dave
  7. no mate its at awsome imports, do car imports direct have one in aswell ? Dave
  8. hi all, hope you are well, well the time has come , i am finally going to hopefully be looking at a starlet this week ! its a black ep82 thats just arrived at a local import centre, and it is near enough standard only got an s/s exh and induction kit, http://pictures.autotrader.co.uk/ATD_web/s...ia?id=227923317 http://pictures.autotrader.co.uk/ATD_web/s...ia?id=227923324 http://pictures.autotrader.co.uk/ATD_web/s...ia?id=227923329 http://pictures.autotrader.co.uk/ATD_web/s...ia?id=227923333 what dya'll think Dave
  9. yes mate we will, hope fully buying a ep82 gt in the next few days, never been to castle coombe but i want to, at the moment i drive a suzuki swift gti Dave
  10. yes mate i do, well churchill actually but close pretty to bristol Dave
  11. looks nice mate, youre not too far away from me, im only the other side of the mendips Dave
  12. thanks for the commets, completely forgot about skirts :angry: hows this, should be better quaity 2 Dave
  13. not a huge amount of styling done to this, was more of a experiment original: my chop What dya Think ? DAve
  14. wow i want one , looks to be 4 wheel drive 2 Dave
  15. haha thats cool mate, good find DAve
  16. Click here to see Video wish my old school bus was this quick ! Dave
  17. i just type in a car that would have the style of wheel im looking for on, eg if i were to do a drift car i wold look for a silvia drifting etc..., also got to places like http://www.rsportscars.com/eng/list.asp http://www.highresautoimages.com/ etc.. Dave
  18. dave_fletcher_85@hotmail.com Dave
  19. simple design, impossible to get into and drive though DAve
  20. i ,know its a different car but on my first car (mini) i did the same as SiCaln did, and they were well strong, stronger than the originals ever were, Dave
  21. i finally got around to doing it, the quality isnt great but you get the general idea of what they will look like, DAve
  22. hows this ? all one colour , i would guess it will be a nightmare to do, getting it to line up on photoshop was bad enough, the colours may be off a bit due to a knackard moniter, done this using my glanza from the other thread (makes life easier) DAve
  23. looks beutiful mate, i want one more each day Dave
  24. im 19 and a fully qualified car mechanic, hope to one day have my own buisness DAve
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