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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. saw a silver P regs glanza go off the round about towards kessingland so i wissed after it got behind it let me dump valve off a couple of times they put their hazards on haha me heart always races when i see another glanza lmao =P
  2. 1) Chanelle1234 - SR (N) 2) Vpower - V (N) 3) alexgtadv- ? (N) 4) Bildo - V (N) 5) Blitz - V (N) 6) Rick - S15 (N) 7) JAG - V (N)
  3. sorry change me to NO nandos the + 1 has work so wont get there in time =( so :- 1) Chanelle1234 - SR (N) 2) Vpower - V (N) 3) alexgtadv- ? (N) 4) Bildo - V (N) 5) Blitz - V + 1 6) Rick - S15 (N)
  4. that is naughty off them, toyota ipswich has hurrendous service the people there are so unhelpful and really well rude, we contacted toyota about it but i dont think anything was done, theres a guy in parts though who is really helpful lots of garages will do this though when my starlet went in they said loads of stuff was wrong wheel bearings, wish bone drive shaft got another mechanic to check it over he said there was owt wrong think its just better to shop around and get more than one opinion PS as i learnt with WRC get everything in writting then when you go to ie trading standards or a
  5. 1) Chanelle1234 - SR (N) 2) Vpower - V (N) 3) alexgtadv- ? (N) 4) Bildo - V (N) 5) Blitz, glanza v + 1 (N) am so coming to this cant wait should be sweet
  6. Blitz


    oh really is the wax collinite or is that the brand??? i jesus i had no idea my boss at work had been telling me to use the scratch Xon the stubbon grease and dirt =o thank you jesus proper didnt realise i was doing that and wont be from now on haha i no i love cleaning my car
  7. Blitz


    Im a big meguirs man and love cleaning my car but i ve come accros a new product its called smat wax and ohh my god!! move over meguirs lol i use smart wax's which is equivelent to the meguirs ultimate detailer and the smart wax is amazing it has a carnuba wax in it so as you clean your rewaxing your car only downside is your car has to be semi clean otherwise you wax over the dirt but i found a solution to this use meguirs scratch X to remove the stubborn grime and grease, then use the smart wax this leaves AMAZING results i own a white glanza and the amount of compliments i get since doin
  8. Yeh i no but will do next year now, would of loved to of stayed would of been a right good piss up haha channelle bless ya that proper made me laugh when you said about person writting i love your bum lmao, hows curt sun burnt =P
  9. i was only down on the saturday but was awesome day, met some amazing people, really good laught will defo be attending next year and camping =P
  10. i ll be there only saturday though work friday and stufff to do sunday and much to channelles disappointment there wont be one of me bitches with me lmao
  11. that stickers awesome haha nice of curt to do your rocker cover looks amazing he can do mine if he wants? and forgot to say love how your brake lights are pink like your wheels is sweet
  12. haha lol well they dont call me cluso for nothing... welll nobodys ever called me that before...
  13. like it mate but whats with the indicators on wing of car?
  14. im doing about £70 in petrol a week but thats cause i live in the middle of no where has got so bad im now put it on low boost whenever i am out =(
  15. i ve had vtr's but like you say they start pulling and getting closer when you get to like 85-90 but then you brake and it makes you seem like your like pfft not worth it mate lol. umm beaten a 2.2 vectra the new shape no word of a lie (car was full though) haha was even till i changed into 3rd then i pulled away. Audi 2.0 beat BMW 318, 320ci beat Peugeot 206's Ford focus's Lost againts a Skyline GTr on way back from southend A sporty Jag Audi S5 Golf Gti Renult Sport 2.0
  16. southend was awesome love it going next month hehe
  17. meh i posted it on the "saxosportsclub" anyway hehe
  18. oh no missed my oppotunity =( opps were at work all day so was gonna do it when i got home haha opps i dont think they were gonna accept me with the username glanzas.better
  19. guys am in progress wait will print screen it once properly registered make sure you look at the username loool.
  20. that is awesome love it im posting that on the saxo forum
  21. when i got mine from WRC you could tell there had been a front mount intercooler, and all the problems i had with the engine :/ but one i brought from SVA seems alright it had a guage in it but he told me about that so =/ but know the one from WRC had been bodged to hell
  22. haha well i was told it in chemestry which like i said used to amaze me, books and stoof and a quick read up on wikipeidia lol just to make sure i wasnt teling you wrong stuff
  23. TRAITOR you no motomanias where its at but yer halfords sold 21' wheels to a bloke with a cinquento and said they'd fit if he rolled the arches lmfbo i ve only had bad expieriences there.... no offense if you work there by the way
  24. they never found my car just said not a great chance of finding it wont look for it but if someone drives it and it goes by a cop car it ll flash up on the system oh fantastic they wouldnt go to WRC cause there wasnt enough evidence even though loads of people have had problems with them
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