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Everything posted by Hazzagray

  1. Roses are red Violets are blue Please stop struggling Im trying to rape you!
  2. Ok....will change it... Anybody have any pics of Livesports kitted black Glanza's?
  3. There is CCTV but its a back office thing apparently! Im going in today to get all the details as im still not happy. She hasnt done it to anybody else, sexual harrassment that is but she did pressure another colleague in to moving branches! I tohught we got on well enough to be honest, apparently not. Fucking bitch! Im fuming
  4. True, I want everything so I can pull holes in it Im just bricking it, I genuinely am worried because Im not that type of person Really appreciate the feedback Guys... Im going in tomorrow on my day off to get ALL of these supposed details!
  5. Its an internal Accusation and they did the fact find so no charges or anything like that. The Girl who was asked came into the Branch managers office with me and spoke to the Area manager with me and she has passed it all along! I get what you mean mate and I appreciate the comments. The thing is, I have been asked to put my side of the story across but I dont have enough information about the whole affair. They wont tell me who put the claim in, although I already know, they havent told me any times, dates or anything!
  6. The Fact that she is a manager though gives her more power... They still have to take a fact find and refer it to HR though regardless
  7. Evening guys Basically long story short I have had a sexual harrassment claim made against me and Im not sure what to do! Apparently I have been accused of Inappropriately touching a colleague...when going in for a hug I supposedly went for her boobs... for starters why would i hug a colleague at a bank and secondly she is obese! I was luckily given a heads up from my other colleagues....this person who turns out is my line manager has been asking my other colleagues to say that they saw me do it....i.e lying and i genuinely dont know why! I have been advised to ask for time, place etc and
  8. Says you who has scantily clad women on their avatar....bet you have too much time with your hands aswell lol! :D
  9. oh a link to the website http://www.yeesjob.com/v12engine.htm
  10. Just came across this on the SXOC website Even has the another guy on there building one from the plans! http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/showthread.php?t=435508 Enjoy!!!
  11. nissan figaro's- if driven by a bloke they are gay...if driven by a woman...clueless! Expensive pieces of shit that look like shit and just grrrrr
  12. Id hand it in mate, Then if it isnt claimed they give it to you? Am i right in saying that? Cheers
  13. Just literally spotted a black V. very nice and tidy.....didnt look too moded. Let us know who you are!
  14. I was thinking about this the other week... thinking it may be a good idea to skate to the train! I binned my skates after I literally destroyed them by wearing them to death and smashing them on the local halfpipe! Just checked out prices...they arent cheap!
  15. Takes a couple of hours if thats all you need to do. Take the engine and jack it up to take the weight off the mounts. then just change em! I had the whole engine out when I did it, I think you can get away without doing that though. Would double check though!
  16. The rear one i Had for my HKS exhaust was a long one with the joiners either end.... Nothing even similar to the mid ones :S
  17. Engine mounts are a piece off piss once the block is out! literally a couple of bolts and you are away! Not had the luxury of doing the gearbox yet, just need to connect mine up!
  18. I'm happy to help you mate! Same as me. I'm no mechanic by a long shot but I will give my drive up for the day to help you out! Plus you never text me if you wanted to borrow the suspension! Count me in mate, may even be able to get an engine crane to help out
  19. no.... the one GETTING groped!
  20. Does anybody know who the fitty in my avatar is? (the one getting groped) I think she looks like Wills mum from the inbetweeners! Cheers for any help in advance! Harry
  21. Lol! I hate those guys.... you go for a piss just wanna dry your hand and they thrust shitter roll at you and expect to get paid for it! Love those little songs though! If I think of any more I'll add it in, you lot have got most of them!
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