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Everything posted by Jade_Star

  1. I went to my first Jap Fest with my dad No shame mate! haha
  2. Heyy, could you do one for me too please Aint got no recent pics with the spoiler but these for now... And could i have just Jade Star written in bold writing, red or pink please mate! Cheers xx
  3. Get those wheels on Don't lie Lew, you'd love a pink Starlet x
  4. Looks awesome mate! Just need those lights now Can't wait to see it with them. Jade x
  5. Awhh!! How cute do they wana be?! haha. Wish i had the money for one My dad's two Shitzu's mated and produced some gorgeous pups, i think it was 4 girls and boy. Sold them all a few weeks ago and it was sad to see them go! Anyway nice pics, they will be sooo cute when they start walking x
  6. Looking sick! Cant wait to see pics of the new bumper fitted Good work! x
  7. Thanks guys should be driving next month
  8. nah mate 15", getting brothers speedlines sprayed white then putting them on next week
  9. A nice dark, deep purple would be stunning!
  10. Thanks Lad's 'n' ladies I doubt i will be going to JAE though practical tests are about a 3 week waiting And the brother or boyfriend aint going or cant get off work! x
  11. Well done mate! Good luck for your practical, im sure you'll do great! Jade x
  12. Thank you all for your kind words As for scores i got 46 on the questions and 55 on the hazards. X
  13. AHH haha you pass then mate? x
  14. I passed babyyy!! Time to book my practical now me thinks.
  15. He is not from the UK mate Lucky sod lol EDIT- its Sparky, the sis left her self logged on ;) lol
  16. Very nice Starlet there Well done with the makeover looks tidy. I wanted a Starlet that colour but couldnt find one about. You should lower by 40mm in my opinion. Be nice to see what else you do with her ;) Jade x
  17. Welcome to UKSC Nice to see some more girls on here! Get pics up soon? Jade x
  18. Greetings Lovely looking Glanza you have there Jade x
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