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Everything posted by Jade_Star

  1. Welcome I want to see pics too! Jade x
  2. Some nice mods' there Keep up the good work! Jade x
  3. Nice they look like the have little hawks .... cute x
  4. Awesome tropical set-ups mate I also love the more tropical things in life, reptiles though Keep the pics of the fishies coming! Jade x
  5. Haha, never thought i'd see the day!
  6. Ah right. Well don't know what he was doing in the Valleys
  7. red wheels FTW! really like them coming along nicely mate x
  8. Walking around my local town today and saw a nice Terquoise Sportif, a couple of large dents at the back though =/ Haven't really seen that colour before and it looked quite standard, anyones on here? Jade x
  9. I was there watching this ;) Was awesome!!!
  10. OHHH that yellow tree lmao! i have a strawberry in mine
  11. Are they called the "crystal clear" ones by any chance? haha if so they are the ones i was looking at. You can get ones for more common cars like astras for like £2 anywhere.... it's ridiculous! lol xx
  12. what is this all about? whats a yellow tree massive? hahaha x
  13. Ooh, good luck on your test if i don't say so before you do it Can you tell me where you got your clear side repeaters from? I was looking at some on ebay, bit pricey though lol Jade x
  14. Nice looking first car very clean. Not long had my first car, my starlet sportif and im also still learning to drive but not long from my test. Just got a TTE spoiler from chanelle too Jade x
  15. Welcome! Get some pics up of your Starlet Jade x
  16. I am in love!!! seriously! lol x
  17. Oh my, their lush! i wanted to do mine up white and pink but changed my mind! Might be changing my mind back again after seeing this, nice one
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