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Everything posted by Scott-EP

  1. Can a moderator please remove this thread!!... As it's getting me back in the mood for selling the starlet and getting an MX5
  2. Yeah mate uni girls + Freshers week = WIN! Maidstone is the best night out in Kent though that i can think of.. Well in my personal opinion
  3. Yeah night life in Faversham.. I've never heard of it either to be honest haha.. Canterbury's not bad though
  4. Right my MOT expires at 12 tonight ive only just realised Fail on me! Well it needs a Drivers side seat belt.. It's a 94 EP82 GT.. Has anyone got one for sale.. Need to know prices though as strapped for cash at the moment so may need to wait until the 14th.. But if someone could hold one by for me until i get payed then it will be much appreciated!! Cheers people!
  5. Herne bay mate.. So only a stones through away.. Why's that ?
  6. Anyone listen to this on the Chris moyles show ? Well someone was doing it today they asked what car he was driving and he said a Toyota Starlet Chris moyles was like waheeeeey haha!! ;)
  7. I agree with this.. Being nice gets you nowhere anyway
  8. Randomly come across this on youtube.. Major confusion but pretty funny ;)
  9. Yeah mate as above.. Lets think about this.. You've had a Mac book dumped into your possession.. Stolen property?.. More then likely!.. Now your not going to want to get caught with stolen property are you.. There fore i would be more then happy to take the Mac book off you if you pay me £30 and I will conveniently forget where i got it from if i ever get questioned .. haha
  10. Look at the latest status haha!!
  11. Dam didn't see this thread i just put one up haha Its proper making me laugh
  12. Who ever's got Sparky on facebook go check his profile out before it all gets Rectified.. It's quite amusing to be honest.. Although it could just be Lewis coming out the closet.. Who know's
  13. Someone needs to write in!! haha!
  14. awesome haha! No lolly, No Jolly
  15. They look about right to me also mate
  16. Yeah this is true.. I had a question about mine he sent me his mobile number so i could phone him.. He is a top bloke and really helpful
  17. No armani code.. No shoot of your load!
  18. Wow! That does look cool.. But I wouldn't pay 7k for it personally
  19. They do my head in to be honest but it does make me laugh with the things they say Clean your toe's for the Hoe's
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