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paul w

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Everything posted by paul w

  1. paul w

    Wales Rally GB

    I will see all i need to this year courtesy of DAVE All nice :harhar: and warm :harhar: with a nice cold beer on my sofa sod goin all that way only to get kicked off or payin to get in at £20 a stage after last years piss around trying to get to the stadium and missing all the top drivers bar Gronholm tahnks to the dickhead football match kicking out at the same time.......fuckin wankers!!!
  2. paul w

    Wales Rally GB

    If you are prepared for a LOOOONNNNGGGGG walk then yeah you can sneak into the stages.
  3. Good way to cause premature wear on your engine there ;) You should get in and drive it nice and steady straight away, it warms up in acouple of minutes and all the engine components get a better oiling than having it sat on the drive idleing. My van warms up in about 2 mins of easy driving even on the coldest morning.
  4. Will do the job just fine mate, i'm sure traders on here/TGTT sell with better bends than those supplied. Will be ok till you get some smoother bends made up if thats what you are after. Theres loads of info bout these on the forum and by the way pressurised air will not struggle to go round those bends it's just they aint ideal. ;)
  5. Have no interest in a phone with loads of shitty features that slow it down and cause it to crash like the N series shite i have now ;)
  6. Ummmmmm take the back seats down???? Or 2 in the boot and 2 in the rear footwells ;)
  7. You muppet! You will lose a years no claims if you are part way through a years policy ;) stick with it unless you are in the 14 day cooling off period it'll cost you to end it otherwise. Suzuki is ace off road they go anywhere
  8. It's fairly new i think, had a look at one today and i like the purple it comes in nice and light too and no big screens to scratch either ;)
  9. These any good?? http://www.nokia.co.uk/link?cid=PLAIN_TEXT_994255 I dont want an ifone, blackberry, any sony etc
  10. None of the cars or the building was insured either!!!!!!
  11. How does the smoke smell.....oily and smelly or slightly sweet????? Have you taken the car for a run to get some real heat into the exhaust?? Take it and get it real hot like a good half hour motorway run, there may just be some residual oil or water in the exhaust that needs to be burnt off.
  12. paul w


    Take it steady if it's your first time on snow/ice. Get into an empty carpark as has been said and throw the car around so you get a feel for whern it starts to go. Don't pull away and stick your foot down if it starts to spin the wheels up, 2nd gear and plenty revs to stop it stalling. As for the Motorway....stay off it if you can, very few people know how to drive on snowy roads!!!!!!!!
  13. Why do you lot jump in and say a turbo is gone everytime theres a post about a smoking engine????? Do some research for a change Did you not test drive or inspect the car properly or what??? Your car is in limp mode. Read the faults and see what gets thrown up. Theres a guide on here somewhere. White is water boiling off/steam Blue and smelly is oil ;) Check your rad levels, thats more likely a blocked PCV valve or blown HG/cracked block than turbo. ;) Can we sticky these links please mods?? http://www.turbotechnics.com/docs/turbo/tips.htm http://www.turbotechnics.com/docs/turbo/f
  14. paul w


    Not in that weather you don't!
  15. TBH i don't see the point in this thread that can be read in the wrong ways too easily and should probably be removed for the greater good. If people want to support them then perhaps there should be a reason for it......oh yeah...there is! The country has been allowed to go down the pan by the big 2 parties! So fringe groups like this who voice, what many are not willing to, gain more and more support. The trouble is you will only hear about the bad points of the party like the nutty skinhead white supremesists etc. I hate lazy bastards no matter what their colour or creed. This is the
  16. Right i will say it once more and it's up to you if you want to listen Your turbo is fucked! Clouds of stinky oily smoke is a good sign it's finally gone, very common when fitting a decat as theres less back pressure on the turbo which allows the oil to seep past the worn seals on your turbo. Get on the look out for a new one
  17. http://mithuro.com/presscuefiles/january/beer_goggle.swf
  18. Your turbo is fucked! Clouds of stinky oily smoke is a good sign it's finally gone, very common when fitting a decat as theres less back pressure on the turbo which allows the oil to seep past the worn seals on your turbo. Get on the look out for a new one
  19. This is what i fancy when i get a new phone in next 2-3 weeks http://www.nokia.co.uk/link?cid=PLAIN_TEXT_994255
  20. What......no dinner dumper after all sparky
  21. On now and in toyota city!!!
  22. paul w


    Thats what i wanted to see! Cheers
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