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paul w

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Everything posted by paul w

  1. I had one in my GT's boot many moons ago, was a bastard to get back out again tho
  2. £150 for fuckin wheelnuts!! No wonder you cant afford stuff, muppet!! :harhar: £500 would get a decent set of alloys with tyres and a set of mcguard wheelnuts which will keep the nice shiny wheels perfectly safe.
  3. THIS IS GRAFIC SO IF EASILY UPSET DO NOT VIEW http://bilgalleri.dk/html/vid_vis.asp?VideoID=22034
  4. Its heavy! How far away is the gearbox, it would be cheaper to go get it if it's within 100miles or so
  5. Just get it all sorted out with a proper airfilter on it, theres no point allowing unnessesary crap in to the engine. Plus if you dont fit the mesh properly you can kiss goodbye to that hybrid if you do it to that too!
  6. Lol i can go one better than that! I've full blown Pneumonia and it's not fun at all!!!!! Glanza-Love stop being a sap and get some brandy down your neck, works much better than the poofy buckfast
  7. Sorry mate but get your arse off your high horse, i gave you a quick and easy solution to your issue!!!! If you dont want a handy tip then FUCK YOU! I HOPE YOU GET PULLED AND FINED SOMEMORE! YOU ARE IN THE WRONG RUNNING AN ILLEGAL CAR ON THE ROAD NOT ME!!!!!! GET IT FUCKIN SORTED!! You could kill someone by simply driving a few yards down the road it wont take much to kill a kid that you didnt see because you were throwing your really safe bottle of water over the windscreen! I'd love to see you stand up in court and tell a judge It's ok your honour "I keep a bottle of water in the car so j
  8. Well why not try running a pipe along the wiper with a few holes in till you do. because what you are doing in this weather is fuckin STUPID and will get you more points on your licence, due to making the car unroadworthy, than you are already heading for! Then it's test resit time Not to mention potentially invalidating both insurance and MOT!! Sort it out ASAP before you kill someone!
  9. Forget fighting it mate, you will lose! Why on earth did you even pick it up when you knew police were patroling the road?? They are going to push stuff like this so just take the fine and points and learn from it. It may make things even more awkward for you being cocky to the copper too, they may well just keep tabs on your car via the old ANPR in patrol cars giving you no end of grief.
  10. Are you serious??? Fuckin wankers like that need stringing up by the balls!
  11. How are you gonna make a 4wd glanza?? Unless you transplant the shell to an EP85?? Just sell the glanza and buy a 350Z or if you must get a honda **spits**
  12. I did for a whole 5 mins as it waited to come past me
  13. paul w


    because i may just feel the need to spank people
  14. http://www.ktm-x-bow.com/ was sat in front of me as i was waiting to turn at a junction, there must've been a track day nearby as there was much tyre screeching and poppin and bangin goin on near where i was working. Fark me it looked mental sounded mental and was mental!!! Looked a bit chilly mind you!!
  15. Erm take it to a different garage
  16. paul w

    trd hilux

    Yeah yeah yeah i believe ya
  17. paul w

    trd hilux

    You were wondering if your mate in history class had a small penis???? It's normal to have those thoughts at your age i've heard You shoulda just asked him
  18. Kinbrace, sutherland http://maps.google.co.uk/
  19. paul w

    trd hilux

    Does your mate have a small penis or something??? Seems to be over compensating for something I cant see the point in doin all that to a new hilux....the whole point of them is going off road and towing things! That thing will never see mud, it looks a bit silly to me The older spec suit being silly high like mini monster trucks but i be buggered if i would wanna go round a corner in either of them!!
  20. Get out and drive in the snow! Then you will gain experience of how to do it!!!!!! 2nd gear at all times to move off and light throttle, it's not hard! I used to live in the far north of scotland and there single track roads (30 miles to the nearest shop) were NO gritters just snowploughs and no-one stopped driving or complained even with a 8-10" of snow! Its great fun
  21. paul w

    Wales Rally GB

    No-one is unbeatable in rallying mate, anything can happen anytime Although leob is a pretty awesome driver
  22. It may not need to be connected at all
  23. I'd do it! I'd soon sort the lil bastards on mopeds round here
  24. Damn that the salt and vinegar will sting!! Won't be too bad if they use the lil crispy ones and not the big steak chips
  25. They already are mate! Everytime you log in to your computer or use a mobile phone someone is watching Try typing in some keywords regularly such as bombs, jihad etc etc and you can bet your socks theres a computer geek in GCHQ watching you :harhar:
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