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Everything posted by Georgie

  1. ooops i relli should read my posts befor i put them up, me a sexist sarcy comment?? lol oh i wonder why, maybe because uve taken the mick outa me on most of my posts u meany lol
  2. i was sum sexist sarcy comment lol
  3. yer i know poor thing my mums in the dog house haha oh u being nice for once? lol
  4. this is me being a girly girl now, my poor doogy had to hava operation last night because my stupid c**t of a mother left a needle on the floor and he swallowed it, i meen honestly hu the f**k leaves needles lying around (cry)
  5. what du mean by styling? lol
  6. i dont like them sorry my love lol
  7. hmmm i duno now can u find me one with red, u lovely person
  8. i love crx's IMO i dont think theres enuff around but i spose thats stating the obvious
  9. yer i know but ive seen quite a few black cars with red lips and not so much blue, and so what guys wear pink tops ;) lol
  10. he didnt buy them orange they were like an anthracite before, and he got bored of them so had em refurbed they give me a headache lol
  11. yer think ill go for the black and blue ones lol heres a pic of my bfs gram lights hes had them dun in neon orange 18s on front 19s on back enjoy lol.............
  12. yer im gettin a bollockin to yer dont particularly like it im afraid, i looked at a black glanza wiv bronze rays on it but didnt like the 2 together :S lol
  13. hmmm i kinda like the black on black but didnt want them completely black which is why i like these ones because they got bright coloured lips but i think i know the ones u meen mate
  14. yer there a bugger to keep clean u dont actualy realise how dirty they are til u run your finger over them, eeeeeeew, yer im stuck between gettin the blue lip or the red one on these rotas ive seen my enkeis go for about 350 and these rotas are bwt 450 if im right, without tyres but still i wont have to put that much towards them ;)
  15. yer i must admit i do like white on black to but ther boring lol ahh decisions decisions
  16. yer exactly i meen id love sum rays but ther stupid money my bf's got em on his mr2 and ther like 900 quid a wheel or sumthin ridiculous lol and i love these rotas
  17. yer people keep telling me not to get rid of the enkeis as ther proper JDM but ther boring n do nuthing for the car lol
  18. Georgie


    i know i feel sorry for people that cant get into work ;), good job i work from home lol
  19. right well i really want to get sum new alloys, atm i got enkeis as you kan see from my pic but i think ther boring and want a change so i was thinking of these rotas, just wanted to know what people thought and if theyve got any suggestions
  20. well i think we all know where ther taxes are going then, sumwhere where ours aint thats for sure!
  21. dont relli care thats y i got rid lol
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