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Posts posted by Tintin_SR

  1. am looking to get a set of G3 disks but i want to see what that look like on so if sumone cooed get me a pitcher of a set in a starlet it wood be grate, preferable behind sum 15s

    rely want to fill up the wheel more, also whats the biggest ones you can get with the SR calipers???

  2. so tho other day i went up to my friends bit hes has been in-porting and selling in in-ports for years now and has sum nice stuff, luckily anuff for my my brow dues all the mot/work on the cars he gets, so i get to cum up and "play" sometimes

    he got this the other day before looking in to it in more detail, now wee now what it is (its a slag) but 99% shoor its not the engine that it came with cooed sum one shade a bit of light on it, its been used in japan as a drift car and i can tell you from personal experience that it gos sewwt as and is fast!



    had a bit of fun lol




    thanks tintin

  3. ok so for a wee bit of time now times have been hard, as the shop that i work in has had sum bug competition open up on the door step!! :p so all of us workers wear cut back on the overtime and wear making no money What so ever, NOT GOOD so for a fue weeks i was thinking that i was not going to afford to pay the bills and have to get rid of the starlet,V NOT GOOD ;)

    so i went on the job hunt and after much searching i have just landed a new job, in a box factory!! sounds crap but its shift work, working with bug printers est all day and pay is weekly with a min of £350 a week and 100s of over-time available, and i can still work the doors at the weekend as well!! :D

    so all this means i get to keep the SR and spend sum F***ING money on it at last, so the conversion will be back on as soon as i build up sum revenue but i think i will be getting that remix bumper 1st and sum wee ods and ends for the outside , also going to start prepping my wheels that came on the gt next week. i have decided to go for spraying them the brightest orange i can get lol :)

  4. dayyyum i need to save sum cash n gt a console!!

    go to comet and get one there, i have a pall that works for them. he got me myn on the cheep lol but you can get the mad finance from them like my pal got a tft monitor and big ass panasonic CD player all in £450 but hes only paying £9 a month after the deposit! and if you have sum extra £££ you can just pay more when evar you want its gooooood

  5. man u seem to have as much bad luck as me, did you get the bikers numberplate? cars coming along nicely mate do you have to have the glanza lights to wire them up like that cuz i know you got that other lense? :(

    well as long as there red on the botom, it will wirck fine

    and i must had a dif buld in then as myn isnt that bad

  6. Nice guide buddy.Id suggest soldering the wires though if you have use of a soldering iron.Mainly because if one of those connection pieces comes loose, you'll have a head ache wondering why the light isnt working..And also any lives could come loose and spark up on the chassis and cause a fire near the insulation material.Highly unlikely but its possible.

    yer as a sead in the post its beter to ust heet rap ect

  7. OK so i got sum import back lights the red on red ones, but it was not looking right so i wired them up so thy looked more JDM hears what i did, so that you can do the same

    WTF i cleaned this garage the other day hmmmm i suspect my brows been hear....


    ok so al start in the NS this is how it will look when u start ( this is in the boot behind the cover for the lights


    1. you need to start by cutting the blue wire that gos in to the bottom light, what ust to be the revers light and cover the end that gos in to the loom



    2.put a connector on the end of it, i had ran out of heat rap, but this works fine, tape works fine you can evan just twist the wires together then wrap them in tape but is not the best way to do things


    3.you need to now expos sum of the green one that gos in to the top light ( this is the side light wire)

    when you have dun this put a T-Tap Wire Connector on to it and a bit of wire from the blue to the green



    ok now for the OS its just the same

    1. how it looks before


    2.cut the light green wire that is going in to the bottom light (what ust to be the fog light) and cover the side that is going in to the loom, put a connector on the other side



    3.link this to the green one on the top as before


    it shooed now look like this



    and thats you dun you will now have this


    with the top ones getting brighter and the window one cumin on when you brake!

    hope this helps

  8. Which did you get?? i have a dreadfull feeling mine will die soon......haha i was asked by loads of people at uni as to what i drive....after saying a toyota starlet NA...they say oh right yeah as if they actually know what one is lmao!!

    lol when i say that i have a starlet sr na all i get it oh i turbo isn't it!! thats the caliber of the people it the collage i was at lol but there is sum chavs there that think its a 215bhp beset, i just drive slow past them and listen to them saying "boot it ""

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