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Posts posted by Tintin_SR

  1. ohh my god!!!!!!!!!! I've not seen these in years.....

    werd u get them??? do they still make them and my local tescos just dusnt sell them no mre :lol: ......

    lol oooo and thats such a random post but i love it!!... lol!

    lol y thank you and i got them from the U.S.of A

  2. just got finished work, went out and was greeted with 5" if snow only had do drive up a small hill round a corner and alond a street road to get home all in about 1 m if that...... you can tell starlets are not ust to Snow myn didn't like it at all and got stuck on the hill for 10 min then try-ed to kill me i think its because i have been neglecting it..


  3. mmmm I'm not sure, when we took the Power steering off of the track civic it felt so much better, you could feel directly what was going on instead of what a motor wanted you to feel IE smoothness (IMO shit you want it rower), and yer its solid when your not moving so harder maneuvers. but that what all cars used to be like, just go to the gym more, or do more 3 point turns lol. but i guess it's down to what i always say it depends on what YOU want

  4. Ok good, i have just installed slotted discs and braided lines i have the abs now also.

    Is the Master cylinder stopper a good mod/needed for street driving?

    for street driving i woo-dent bother because your not needing it but if you want to drive the car then i do it! wear i live its back roads all the way and the most important thing is stopping!

  5. i never sed out abut phones 4 u changing details i sed go to the Orange shop and see what they can do, i did this last week with my phone and a pal went in to the orange shop and got them to change it over to hos name, now i have a new phone and not having to pay out to my old one

  6. dunno if someone will do that for an iphone though

    no he means Someone else takes your N96 then they pay for it and if you go in to the Orange shop with the phone and the other person, and 2 forms of id (but take as much as pos) they can change the name on the contract and the billing details. + it don't Matter if you neva got it direct form Orange eg phones 4 u etc they will still be able to change it

    then you need to go and get a new phone for your self, my suggestion is go to the car phone warehouse and ask for there top line insurance then you can cancel it a lot easyer

    hope this helps buddy out els holla

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