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Everything posted by _shaun_

  1. cruise pink then atleast it wont be common
  2. shocking am not even gonna lie if i seen some1 take a baseball bat to my car i woulda knocked them out right there and then lol dont care if its a girl or not
  3. lol mines funny she can sit and name turbos manis coilovers bascily anything ive had sitting in the house at somepoint but ask her about the cars themself her rply is always "o its blue" " o its red" she cant seem to tell any cars apart at all lol
  4. ahh that makes sense lol cheers for the ideas guys
  5. not to sure on on whistle not been around it when hes giving it some beans so will have a listen for it tomorow figured it would be a leak jusy trying to work out the best way to try spot it as the weather up here isnt the best atm am sure i seen some were some 1saying something about spraying something on the pipes and the revs dip if its got a leak any ideas if thats true / what it is
  6. 5" tall 8" wide that possible? or something close to that size if it makes the image all squished
  7. shall give it a shot if u dont mind me asking why only petrol ?
  8. any good ways to test for the leaks with out taking all the piping off?
  9. mates been having some probs with his glanza since he got it about a month ago. hes only been getting first 2 boost lights some times the 3rd would flicker on. now hes only getting first boost light and 2nd some times flickers on. any ideas. he thought it was the turbo so tryed my ct9 i took off which was running perfect before i removed it swaped the turbo /actuator and no diffrence. hes got a fmic on it so i think theres a leak on that but he says hes checked all the pipes any easy way of checking for leak?. going own to have a look tomorow as uptill this point hes just been pottering a
  10. i like i like can u do them any size might get a slightly smaller 1
  11. reakon its gonna be a electric fault lose wire somewere sadly imo there the hardest thing to find lol
  12. good thing am not getting it orange then hate to copy
  13. nah i wasnt keen when he said orange i pictured a nice bright 1 but it seemed a dead kinda dark n dirty orange lol think the crx blues gonna be winner more i think about it more i like the idea lol
  14. yea he had a orange but it wasnt very bright he was trying to get me to paint it gold but i wasnt having any of it lol
  15. well got cheshires roll cage off him but fancy painting it a diff colour its currently this colour my recaros are blue and theres a few blue bits on the car like wheel nuts stickers grill so am thinking of sticking with blue for the cage. while i was in garage today the sprayer was wondering around bored got chatting and he said he would spray and laquer it any colour he had left over from past jobs for £40. had a look in his paint cupboard and found the left over paint for when he done a wing on my crx for me so am pretty tempted by that its a nice blue and like the fact its l
  16. prob best not using it or ull get lost mine likes to tell me to take the next left on a round about which would be fine if it didnt normal tell me that when am driving on alike a 10 mile straight with no roundabout at the end
  17. those rubbish gaskets are always a mistake intresting to see if the toyosports mani holds up i dunno i kinda like the black intercooler
  18. nothing wrong with trying something diffrent thats what took me away from hondas to get a glanza
  19. if its not a fuse just give idrees a shout mine was broke in my glanza n he sorted me out
  20. i think it came out to be something like 30% due to some being big engine mods but then i got my 20% off so worked all well in the end and when i got the list i of mods to sign i ticked of all the lil things i never would of thought to mention and there was no charge so that was even better
  21. they were great for me quoted cheaper than i got quoted for a stock car with other people and as i sed my mods are hated by most insurance companys carbon bonnet... roll cage ... bucket seats ... coilovers... exhaust.... td 04 ... uprated brakes .... 1600 worth of alloys ....fmic and a load more
  22. make sure u sign on on tgtt forums takes 2 mins and when u give username its like 20% of and 20% of whats likly to be 1k+ is alot of money
  23. they seem a pain sky sent me a sheet for mods to mark of which had every thing from gearknob steering wheel.... fancy pedals... i called them back to say to them when i was done the list to ask if my policy would change for all the lil things i hadnt botherd to say on phone they said nah they just liked to no what was done to it
  24. honestly first thing call sky up and speak to them am sure they will do far better than most places they quoted me less for a massive list of mods on my glanza than the cheapest on confused.com wanted for a standard glanza
  25. i wish lol for some stupid reason they class it as a glasgow postcode i used to stay out a lil bit from town when i moved in to the town center which as u no is a tiny lil place they wanted to charge me £200 more on a civic. main thing i hate about dunoon if u want insurance they say the postcodes a glasgow postcode so u get charged extra..... if u want something posted they claim its an island (even tho i can drive to glasgow in just over an hour) so they charge u extra for postage.... well that and the fact if your under 25 u must either drive a 1L corsa with a 5inch exhaust or
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