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Everything posted by mindless

  1. Fingers crossed the real thing will look similar to the render
  2. We're nearing fabrication of the diffuser/underbody and aluminum sideskirts. Thought I'd give a shot at a quick and dirty photoshop render so I can show them how I want it to come out. Hopefully we can get it to look proper
  3. Thanks Amjad! I think I posted this already above but this is a video of my latest run: This one is my brother's 35-car grid race action starting from pole (they do 1 warm up lap and a rolling start because of the sheer number of cars)
  4. I've just got a hold of photos from last week's circuit leg. Sorry for the quality they didn't really get good pics of the car in action, but well this is better than nothing GT Radial team cars arriving on the track (which included our little turbo hatch) Running with the rest of the pack Going wide! Go home starlet! You drunk!
  5. Yep! It worked well for a stop gap solution. The end goal is to go forged if we can get enough sponsors so for now we keep the try to keep a more conservative tune. We're not running drag anyway and the car is super light so right now the power we're generating is more than enough for our needs
  6. @Starbo Moorley at the last dyno run with the old tired TD04L @ .8 bar we were making 155 hp / 127 ft lbs at the wheels . We haven't had the chance to get her dynoed recently because we're in the middle of a season. We upped the boost to about 1 bar and changed tuners we're feeling a definite increase but its all butt feel as of now. Maybe after the season we'll get to dyno it again for the next one I'll post the numbers here.
  7. So I just wanted to post some pics of the old rebuild done roughly 2 years ago when we decided to go with the vitara pistons to replace the broken 4efte ones just for everyone's reference This is what happened to the stock 4EFTE piston: The vitara/esteem (G16B) piston I actually bought them off a friend who used them on his 5EFTE build but suddenly had the budget to go forged so he didn't have any use for them anymore. But they also worked great for him. He bought brand new and didn't even put 1000km on them. Again your mileage may vary and it will depend a lot on
  8. That's awesome to hear. At least I don't have to throw away my block after 75mm. Who provides 75.5mm pistons for the 4E block?
  9. @shorty thanks glad I could help its never too late to turn a botched build around you just need some patience. Also, wow that's new to me I always thought that 75mm was the biggest you can go with our block. How does she run on 75.5mm pistons?
  10. @Idrees its never to late to take it to the track Thanks for the compliment!
  11. I don't know about whether or not it can really run higher boost levels, because I'm still just at 1 bar and frankly on a circuit/time attack car you don't need that much power. But the only peculiar thing I noticed is that even without changing the mapping in eManage our AFRs always seem to be on the richer side no matter how much we increase the boost. It was true when we upped it to .8 bar and we noticed the same thing when we went to 1 bar. Maybe its the rebore. I'm not sure but whatever it is – it does give us that extra margin for boost.
  12. @Shorty it is great fun! Nothing like meeting up with your friends once a month to compete in local grassroots motorsports events I think that lip was a custom one. Came from a Toyota (Corolla) Altis retrofitted to my car. @Amjad During a routine piston ring replacement way back when the car was new to me we discovered that I had 2 cracked piston lands. Unfortunately there were no OEM 4EFTE pistons available at the time and to order one would take months. Since this was my only car at the time I couldn't afford to do that. We found out that other shops locally were secretly using "vitara" g
  13. Here she is now. Pictures taken at the most recent leg of Circuit Showdown (the time attack/grid racing event we joined): Also upped the boost to 1 bar now With her other hot sister - my EK9: Boost or Revs? I grabbed another fourth place in my time attack class which brings my overall standing to 2nd Here's a video of my latest run: She's still a work in progress. A few things we need to do is to replace the shitty temp dashboard we have with a properly fabricated racing dashboard. I'm also thinking of some aero a proper front diffuser/un
  14. Reworked piping Surge Tank TADA! Off to the races we go! By the second leg we actually had a win. I went from 7th to 4th in my time attack class. My brother bagged a pole position and secured a win for 2nd place in a highly contested 35 car grid race! POLE! Winning was awesome. Now that the car felt very competitive - it was time to do something about its looks. Next up: Repaint! I wanted to change the colour from red to something else because there were already quite a number of red race cars in the event. I opted for a dark shade of gunmetal for the
  15. A little over a year ago I was able to acquire as my first car a pristine red EP82. The red hatch in her last pristine condition. Unfortunately due to a stupid decision the car ended up on the receiving end of a botched mod job to make it into a "show car". The experience was so painful I've deleted all photos of it. I wanted to forget about the car so bad that I ended up buying a very fresh EK9 Civic TypeR. The rebound... But of course you never really get over your first car. Coincidentally I was toying the idea of entering the local circuit racing/time attack scene along with my broth
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