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Everything posted by Lawless

  1. I don't even want the coilies anymore previous issues with lowering on the rear havnt been sorted for the people that actually recieved them and no one is replying to anything start getting your dough back people I already have a claim on the go
  2. No worries I'm still hoping for the product but end of the day no response no product yet look out for number 1 if they turn up just cancel the dispute win both ways
  3. If you paid through PayPal you can put a dispute in it should take you step by step through it but I paid with credit card so my banks sorting it for me once I send the form off but I would put a dispute in through PayPal ASAP mate because you only get so long to do it and I am giving them the Benefit of the doubt mate but had such little response with questions and requested updates had nothing dude so wouldn't hold your breath been more than polite and patient so covering my own back now you just never no last thinks you wanna do is risk loosing that amount of cash
  4. In the same boat as you mate was promise an update couple days ago got nothing I've started claiming funds back just as a precaution as no one seems to intrested in replying to my emails I would start a claim you get the goods in the mean time happy days if not you'll get your dough back
  5. Yea tried that aswel neither are answering my emails all I asked for was an update but dispute it is can't afford to loose best part of 500 quid Luckily I paid with a credit card eh
  6. Has anyone had any kind of contact with James or Tara on these I had a email couple days ago I emailed him through his website was promised update yesterday got nothing so started a dispute just didn't want to have to do this bit been left no choice
  7. Well I had an email from James yesterday promising an update on coily group buy sent many messages and not had alot of comeback I've gone to bank to start a dispute today just inCase so pissed off ! Been more than patient and polite
  8. James emailed me this morning about the coilies on the way still on the boat Should have an update on them tomo Only offline while its half term
  9. Only today mate first thing this morning just a slight worry is all and no one to talk to ? I'm sure she will reply has on the previous questions also didn't realise it was half term :/
  10. Pmd Tara want to change the adress my coilies are going too because I'm not gonna be there I'm moving no response yet How do I go about this ?
  11. Yea that's the one I think and there's a support bar that runs down the centre vertically I believe this is also at an angle surely should be straight Don't have any pics i took it all apart yesterday and rage quit ! After seeing more problems
  12. Hopefully get away with just changing the middle one is that a Toyota jobby then
  13. The middle one is the mangled one and chances are the rest have had some sort of impact the front end looks like its ha a stroke all dropped on the drivers side never noticed it much before now its bugging me
  14. Ep82 ? What's the part called that I'm after :/ noob question
  15. Badically I picked up some parts on the weekend and took my front bumper off to fit them ect to find the bar that holds the bumper in place is bent to fuck And really mishaped Never occurred to me the other damage on the car was tied in bonnets twisted and dented ect and a few other bits of minor damage So I'm guessing its been front ended once upon a time My question is can I replace this bar and were do I find one Thanks
  16. What time would the gang from Exeter get to Taunton if you left at 4 half 4?
  17. ^^^^^^ what I was thinking but I also don't wanna miss getting my ticket on the day ?
  18. That's were ill be coming on to m5
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