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Everything posted by hookie663

  1. I'm self employed joiner and it's great best ting I did was go self employed
  2. Welcome along there mate
  3. Welcome mate unreal good luck with the rallying
  4. I've key barrel light if ya know any body 4 it or I PX 4 another extra
  5. I'm on here 2 or 3 times a day I'm addicted lol
  6. Lovely mint looking civic mate glws
  7. hookie663

    abs ring

    Yea i second that
  8. I've a set of blue NGk leads mate good nick working fine was on my old engine just no king lead throw mate they arnt the big thick ones they arnt magnacore ones lik pm me mate
  9. We'll that was worth all tat time it took me to read throught all tat one of the best builds I've ever saw mate cars minter and Lov all the work uve done
  10. hookie663

    blue leads

    I've set of blue MGM blue leads no king lead thow Ngk leads sory lol
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