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Everything posted by DaveyDemolition

  1. i certainly have! haha
  2. Thanks hou I'll try and get as much of it I can together ready for when or of it happens which I probably will end up happening :/ Trisk, I'm not even going to get into an argument with you, the amount of times I've said I know I'm in the wrong, i can't change what I've done, and it was an accident going into the back of someone I'm sure a lot of people on here have had accidents. They are accidents. I didn't go into the back of someone on purpose. If i started a thread saying ohh my god!! ohh my god!! i went into the back of someone, fair enough, i started up this thread to ask about the 6
  3. Cheers stu at least someone understands, I'm feeling shit enough about it as it is :/ but yeah I'm going to ignore it for now and get some more insurance, but I've found out that they can claim against me at pretty much anytime, so even in two years I could get the 6 points, say like when his lease car goes back in, and they notice it, I could be prosecuted then, aw well. Thanks for everyones advice ! I'll let you know what happens in the future
  4. Yes all of them were declared. I always like to be as legal as I can when I'm driving I'm not a dick.
  5. I tried that, I rang them as soon as I got the letter yesterday to try and pay them, and they can't backdate it anyway, it will just be put down as a break in the insurance during that period. And also I can't resume my policy with them anyway because it's cancelled, I can only pay the remaining amount of £1,600 odd. And tbh mate I'm not going to get into an argument, yes shit does happen. I lost concerntration I wasn't being a dick. I wasn't following too closely to him I just wasnt thinking, it was an accident, accidents happen, yes that's what's insurance is for. However I was unaware that
  6. I would never intentionally drive my car without insurance, I agree that is stupid. When the bank didnt pay my DD I thought they did because it came up on my statement online, so I thought it was cleared. I had a letter from the insurance company stating that the DD wasn't paid and if it wasn't, the insurance would be cancelled, but didn't say when, by law they have to give you 7 days notice. By this time I didn't have the money for the insurance because the bank started using that money for Charges that I shouldent of even been charged for, however that is all refunded now. Anyway I got the l
  7. Yeah I would rather a guilty concience, and the guy was so nice I think he would understand like if it was his own car I wouldent, but as its a company car and his car as minimal damage too it then it's not that bad. However the biggest mistake I made was telling him to follow me into sainsburys to discuss it because it happened on the junction outside there, so there may be cameras on the location where we parked !!!!!! Argh!
  8. Also makes it awkward because he knows I work in sainsburys and that's where it happened haha! And my cars hardly inconspicuous so I doubt I would get away with that :/
  9. Yeah I hope it will be like that Zoe! And no, no police were involved, just gave him my address, name and number and reg of the car and vice versa from him how could I deny it happened though, wouldent they ask how he got My details?
  10. And as the car isn't insured I will have to declare it as sorn too -.- which is just hassle because I could technically be driving around if I was insured, but then if I did end up getting 6 points it will just be a waste of money, money I any afford to waste when my insurance is basicly £200 a month
  11. Is there a time limit in which someone can claim against you? It's been 3/4 days now and I've heard nothing and they haven't claimed :/
  12. Cheers mate! at least I know that it will probably end up being 6 points, I'm going to speak to a solicitor today to find out more information and what action I should take, and yes we did exchange information address etc, but the details he gave me were just the company's main details that you can find on their website! I can't even contact him direct or anything. Just so annoying :/
  13. I was thinking that, but as there a company I don't think they would plus of they didn't let me it would just remind them to phone their insurance :/ the crack was only like 2-3 inches too
  14. Yeah I know, I'm wondering if the company that I hit isn't bothering with insurance because it's been two, nearly 3 days and usually people contact their insurance within 24h? I'm not sure how it works I've never had an accident :/
  15. Basicly I had an accident on tuesday, went into the back of someone at a junction because he hesitated and I was late for something, all I had was a cracked number plate and all he had was a tiny crack in his back bumper, however his car was a company car. So insurance will definatley be involved..... Here's where Ive dropped myself right in it, had a letter through today saying my insurance policy was cancelled on the 20th July, the letter was dated the 23rd, I had a previous letter stating that my policy would be cancelled if I didn't pay my months bill (this was because of natwest fucking
  16. Yeah definatley haha, most of us had n/a's so we won't get shown up all the time! Haha although I probably would, mines slow as fuck :/
  17. I'll come over again if you have another meet ;)
  18. Anyone? I'm currently driving round with one GT seat (passenger) and one n/a and compared to the GT its so high up and uncomfortable I hate it makes the whole interior look horrible in desperate need of something local! I can collect today
  19. Im in desperate need of any sort of drivers seat preferably with the rails but I have a few spare sets of rails here, ideally I need it locally, will travel to Bristol etc though but mainly in the south Wales area. Looking for anything like a bucket seat, GT seat, that sort of thing. But not an n/a seat or a standard glanza one.
  20. I can't get tomorrow of work and yeah I saw you Thursday as well, I waved but I dont think you could see me haha
  21. It's been like it since I bought it, before I started messing with it I'll have a good check over tomorrow though ;) just recently changed the distributor cap and rotor arm because there was no electrode in my old dizzy cap and it was misfiring Sorry if I hijacked your thread by the way :/ I'll shutup now ;)
  22. And mine ;) looks mint Amjad! I was driving behind your dad the other day as well haha
  23. My cars always been shit on petrol, filled up the tank the other day and went too oak wood about 90 miles away for me, there and back and I had too put another £10a in on the way home somewhere. £15 gets me about 35ish miles :/ sometimes 45ish just seems like im putting petrol in it all the time. Gave it an oil change yesterday though and I think it's a little better. What does everyone's car idle at? I think mines too high, it's about 1,200-300 sounds too high anyway
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