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Everything posted by DaveyDemolition

  1. That looks sexual! I just sprayed everything in satin black haha it looks pretty good to be honest if you didn't know it was originally grey, you wouldent reolise I sprayed it black, I like your carbon wrapping though!
  2. There you go pal I think water does get inside this one... But Im really not sure I think you'll just have too try it out, I can send it off first thing tomorrow morning if you want it
  3. I've got it, I'll post some pictures up now Mate
  4. Alright mate, I wouldent really want much for it tbh, just postage and fees etc
  5. I've definatley got one, but unsure of the condition because I remember one of them was steamed up because water was getting in, I think it was the passenger side though, I'll check for you when I'm home, probably in the next hour mate
  6. I'm like a lobster, keep forgetting I'm naturally ginger and burn like fuck! Sorry I wasn't at the club stand much and didn't speak too many off you, you weren't by your cars and I didn't know who was who haha! And you didn't know who I was so I just went for a walk round with my mates ;) spoke too a few of you though but thanks for the amazing day! Wouldent of enjoyed it so much if It wasn't for you guys and the sticker!
  7. Lmfao!!! I did actually think about that, apparently they just explode ahahah, aw she's dead now anyway rip to my little hamster
  8. No word of a lie at the moment I'm cuddling my hamster because it went into hibernation last night -.- its alive, can feel if breathing but I'm trying to warm it up haha! I want too be working on my car!
  9. Doing this on my phone so I hope it comes out well haha! Um basically the springs have settled a little bit which is nice ;) and I've tidied up my engine bay a little bit! Looks a lot better IMO and had a general tidy up all around the car, will be polishing it etc tomorrow if the weathers good ready for japfest let me know what you think... Let me know what you think it's no where near ready for japfest though the bumpers and skirts still need respraying proffesionaly and I need a jam lip and spoiler!
  10. Cheers guys! Yeah I'll give this a try tomorrow because i didn't think it was too bad at the start, but now I'm worrying about how much longer the tyres got left before it cuts through haha! Should see the amount of rubber! I'm tempted to try that scaffolding pipe haha! Has anyone got any pictures of what it looks like after? Will it look much different?
  11. I know I need a panhard rod because it my back drivers side, but at the moment it's really bad, its rubbing on the metal bit of the arch and I'm constantly picking rubber off the wheel, and earlier it cut it so bad that there was like 10 rubber bits hanging off the tyre and quite big ones too.... Just wondering can I like smooth it or something or put something there for now untill I get a panhard rod so when it scrapes it doesnt cut the tyre?
  12. Haha yeah it will have a really good detailing for japfest ;) ill have to get some pictures up later the springs have compressed a bit not and looks alot lower than the pictures up there ^^^ haha
  13. That would look immense! be a bitch to drive over here though haha
  14. Im constantly picking rubber off my back drivers side tyre its getting really really bad. and quite a bit of rubber too, noticable on the tyre as well. is that just a panhard rod though?
  15. there selling phone holders in asda for like £10 i think, maybe even less. i know because i bought mine from tesco for £17 and saw that and i was fuming haha. works really good though! i had it on my windscreen which was ok. but then when taggy lent it on the spring action day he put it on the passanger window and it works much better, you get a really good view so go for something like that, and then you can use it after for your phone haha ;)
  16. Recieved the cup holders as described, bang on time too! delivery was really fast, great communication, great seller packaged really well too! Thanks mate !
  17. Yeah when I rang them they said they could do nothing about it. So I just cancelled it and started. New one with them ahah in my eyes it wasn't worth paying the extra, and the one years no claims didn't make that much of a difference so I was like fuck it haha
  18. The exact same thing happened to me haha it was like someone wrote about me! I was with admiral paying 2300 somethjng like that then did another quote half way through the policy to find that they quoted me about 1400 for my car with no changes apart from more mods haha! But yeah it's 45 administration fee or something. Just depends you can pay for the rest of your policy, but the money that you pay for the rest could be what you could pay for a year with the new policy... But you would have a year no claims, which is crucial
  19. I honestly don't mind if mine goes towards the back, thought it would be ready but it won't be, the front and back bumpers need a respray because they were done in rattle cans and I haven't got the money because I get paid the Friday after japfest! Fuming! Ahah I'm so gutted I'll still enjoy it and I'll do as much as I can to get it looks clean and tidy but I'm still gutted like :/ I'll see what I can do ahah
  20. Had a little bit of an accident, woman driver......country lanes... and i need a drivers side wing mirror today or by tomorrow, im not looking to have them posted i want to collect if anyones got any in my area please let me know as i really need them im willing to buy a pair of any sort, just as long as it fits my starlet. Thanks.
  21. Lmao I loved this! Craig you left your jacket in my car... I think its yours anyway haha I'll give it back to you at japfest
  22. I was there for about 10 minutes unscrewing and pulling and pushing, got bored and ripped the whole thing out, i was going for the stripped out look anyway...
  23. I don't think I'll be making this to be honest lads, short on funds :/
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