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Everything posted by DaveyDemolition

  1. The old glanza spoiler sort of hooks onto the tailgate, it's hard too explain, but I'm sure someone on Here will, there are bolts somewhere holding it on, one either side then you just lift the spoiler up and off, I think that's what I did anyway. like I say, someone on here will explain properly haha
  2. There both very nice motors! I have a real soft spot for minis haha, my dads got 3 of them, and he's also got another one which is meant too be my project mini but I keep spending money on my car, but I would love too restore the mini myself one day. With a nice 1275 in it, it would be enough in a small car like that, and they handle like go karts when there properly set up! Oh and incase anyones wondering those escorts are pretty nice too! There owned by jonathan brace himself haha.
  3. Nippy little fuckers aren't they haha ;) he's rebuilding a 1275 engine for it out of an mg metro
  4. Not much but its there incase anyone's intrested, you may have seen the pictures of my car with my his mini in my build thread well he wrote into mini magazine about his recent dilemma and they gave him star letter heres the pictures haha
  5. I don't get paid untill next week (Friday) but if you still have them I will be very intrested as you live in south Wales too it would be easier haha, I have spare rails in the shed, will they need too be fabricated on?
  6. My airbag is just chilling the shed, ive always been really tempted too throw it at the ground too see what happens hahah ;)
  7. I don't know about genuine Toyota ones, but I got 'team heko' wind deflectors off amazon/eBay and I noticed that had ones for the 5dr too for mine it was like £27 posted so shouldn't be much more for yours, have a look
  8. I never needed too change the indicators on mine, but definatley change everything in one go if you can ie: bonnet bumper headlights as it does look ugly if one of them are missing haha, I drove around with just the glanza bumper, then the bonnet and it looked bad haha untill I put the headlights in
  9. There you go, you can see where the original bracket for it is, it's literally just moved in front by one or two inches, just so there's enough room for it. It's been like that for months so there's not a problem in doing it, like I say it's what most people do as I can't see another way around it
  10. I'll get a picture up for you now mate, basically i just unbolted it because there's two bolts either side holding it to the firewall so just unbolt those and move it infront of the brace when you put it in, I think that's the only way around it as that's what most people do on here
  11. Yeah they did look shit didn't they ;) lmao. The old ones are back in now! Will be looking around for red ones on payday then!
  12. SHHHIIITTTT well that didn't work!!! Just joining the slip road it came out completely and was coughing and spluttering and had no power haha, now I'm just parked on the hard shoulder :/
  13. Alright cheers guys I'll have a look, my original HT leads were fine before on there, and there definatley the right leads because I bought them off someone on here a few weeks back and I've been driving around with them since then, only recently had problems, what Ive just done is this so there's a little more slack in them so I'll see how that goes haha, suppose its an excuse too get red ones instead!
  14. Here's some pictures, it's always the one on the left as you can see, or occasionally the one on the right, the middle two are fine, it feels like the cables are really tight though like there in the wrong order but there's no other order they can go in :/
  15. Just wondering why this is? They just pop out when I'm driving so when I'm driving then it feels lumpy haha, I've got NGK ignition leads, I'll slap up a picture now, I'm sure the leads are on the right way etc and on the right spark plug...
  16. Yeah I saw it haha, in some parts it looks good and some parts it doesnt, I hope it Is good though. And I though promethious on the whole was ok. But there was way too many conflicting story lines going on. And when the characters died I didn't really care because you never really connected too them like. Oh and have you seen the trailer for 'Chernobyl diaries' it looks really good haha, I've always been intersted in Chernobyl ;)
  17. Went into work today and everyone was going on about how shit it was again haha! But Im going too see it tonight so we shall see how it goes!
  18. I'll probably still see this, I've wanted too for a while, films are being let downs at the moment, the dictator was so shit haha, men in black 3 was good though ;) might go and see this tonight though thanks for the heads up hah ;)
  19. Don't read this when you're sat downstairs next too your mum -.- burst out laughing, awkward....
  20. The mph one happened too me, I just kept the dials in but left the plastic cover off while I sorted it out, basically put the needle as close to 0 as possible, but put it on so it was over 0 not under so aim for it too be over because it's obviously better too read over then under, then just kept taking them off too adjust them when I passed the things on the side of the road that tell you how fast you're going
  21. This happened too me on the way too japfest haha, I was tripping out
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