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Posts posted by daniel_g

  1. You can modify the standard one to make it adjustable if you didnt wanna buy a new one.


    Pretty sure cusco are adjustable whilst on the car? Which is a bonus.


    RSR ones defo are adjustable whilst fitted but might be hard to get a hold of now


    Whiteline ones rust like fuck.


    Ultra racing are adjustable in the middle which gives a bit of flex which isnt ideal.

  2. So after a bit of fuckin about this is now back together, running and driving.


    Sent the TD04 off to midland and whilst it was getting rebuilt i've had a billet comp wheel installed too.


    Also bought a massive intercooler, with rear outlets to the top, so slam panel will be getting the chop, also gonna have to fire the Gi FRP bonnet from my MK2 onto this, it has locking aero catches.


    Battery relocating kit arrived so will need to get round to that at some point aswell.







  3. Starlet specific backboxes are getting harder to find on their own.

    Best bet just picking up a random jap company backbox like hks and getting hangers welded on.

    I have a 5zigen border 304 here for a GT, have kept it for about 5year as didnt really want to sell it

  4. Soros will be entangled far into the deep state.

    Think Trump is running the show then think again.

    Think majestic level security clearance, 40 above Top secret, these are the type of people that call the shots.

    Military industrial complex, a lot of it swings round that, the corporations who cash in on wars.

  5. The middle east is a fascinating topic. The Zionist entity. Tel Aviv is as solid as its ever been, Trump is the most pro Israel president to date.

    The current proxy wars are only just a prelim for what will unfold over the foreseeable.

    This Iran nuclear deal is most likely going to collapse on the 15th, unless the EU can somehow prevent that. That will get the ball rolling and essentially give Iran the go ahead with their programme.

    They have every right to do so, as does North Korea.

    Israel have already stated they will not accept a nuclear armed Iran, Washington backs Tel Aviv, Riyadh just secured a $350 billion millitary contract. Arch foe of Terahn. Sunni / Shia split.

    The Syrian war has paved a new Iranian corridor right up to the Israel occupied Golan Heights.

    3 central world banks that are not controlled by Rothchild entity.

    North Korea, Iran and Cuba.

    The last ones to go were all the countries recently invaded. Iraq, Libya etc.

    Libya is a whole other interesting topic.

  6. Think its ment to be 6 corporations (Jewish owned i believe) that own over 90% of the worlds media.

    Even with this latest Vegas shooting, its getting used my the media, riddled with false and inaccurate information to portray different political agendas.

    Antifa, far left, alt right, white supremacy have all been linked to it. Then you get Isis claiming responsibility.

  7. Shaun on here has a good knowledge of DTA, he runs a S80.

    I saved a comparison brochure and the 40 seems very basic for a standalone, compared to the 60.

  8. Sounds good mate, might give it a watch.

    Yeah I guess but if more people were informed, wouldn't you think there would be more done to do something about it?

    Nothing wrong at all, it doesn't make anyone less of a person not being informed, i agree there mate.

    You'd be robbing yourself if you are remotely interested in any kind of disclosure and you didnt watch it!

    Apart from informing other people there is not a great deal else that a person can really do, unless you have massive internet influence.

    But just recently, a lot of free speech sensorship has flooded the internet, thank google,youtube and the tory government.

    Taking down peoples youtube channels, alternative media outlets even politicians speeches.

    This didnt even win a majority in the commons, and its being done under the guise of fighting islamist extremism.

    So no, not really a great deal can or will be done sadly.

    Watch unacknowledged and report back, thats a start.

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