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Why do we own a Micra?

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Evening guys, Gave the missus a lift into town for a night out just now and thought id go to the local mcdonalds for a bite to eat as i was rather peckish, went through the drive through and got parked up and everything.. Then along came the local boy racers (Well i say boy racers, they actually had FTO's and Subarus).

Anyway, I was sat munching away and they pulled up along side me, with their windows down, talking to their friends. I could hear them talking about my car and I over heard one of them say "Its a Micra..." and then Laughed with his mate! I felt like saying if your really into your japanese cars then you'd know what car this was and that it would blow the tits off your fto... Ok well maybe not blow the tits off it but give it a good run.

Has anyone else been called a Micra owner? :)


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i had grief from all my mates for ages because they said it looked like a micra, they soon changed thier mind when i took them out though! :)

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yeah, heard it before...is pisses me off sometimes... but normally i just laugh and let them believe what they want, afterall if they were into jap cars they'd have an idea what it was.

this is also another reason my i dont like de-badgeing, im not ashamed of what my car is, and i want people to know what it is!

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I can kinda see the micra comment a lil but not in the case of glanza's they look much to angular with the rear bumper n the spoiler


N/A's however when i first got my car i used to get micra's not confused but mistook them for starlets sumtimes i think its just the similar looking rear ;)

Gotta agree with craig about the cross between micra's n corsa's tho :D

Starlets seem a lot more elitist in comparison to all local pikeys in their corsa's tho :)

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haha whats wrong with that?i call my micra a micra all the time.....i like it....micra gt turbo,sounds better than Starlet and people actually think its a micra.....even when it has STARLET on the back but gt turbo is on the doors and back too so its all good.....haha MICRA FTW'z

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i heard someone call my old starlet a mirca, he was in a corsa sri himself, i turned to him and said lets race and see what you call a micra, after the race he said that aint no micra lol.

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i dont see this massive hostility towards micras,

ive owned and taken apart both my starlet and a 3 or 4 micras and mechanically they are very similar, same engine configuration, same suspension layout, similar styling, similar brake layout. its actually quite interesting how much the starlets have in common with micras which isnt a bad thing i have to say.

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@59bhp - Yes i owned a L plate Micra as my first car. They are very alike the cars. Both very easy to take apart. The gearbox linkage is slightly different as the micra uses mechnical linkages whereas the starlet has a hydraulic clutch and cable links. Everything else though is pretty much the same.

Both also share the same light weightness as i think they are lighter than Starlets but don't quote me. The thing i loved about my micra 1.0L is that i could get 400miles from a tank with sensible driving.

I don't care if people call it a Micra to be honest. I've only been out a few times since i got my engine in and it aint no micra!!! :)


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yeah bourkey your right, they are lighter. i'm the same as you the first car i ever drove was my mums 01 micra (not new style thank god) and they were good on fuel and good to drive. but have REAAAAALLY loose suspension. and the fact that im like 6'5 made it a tad uncomfortable

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I think this topic simply comes down to if someone wants to think its a Micra let them have a go and then see whether they still think its a Micra lol.

Lol yeah agree with ya there, I don't really care myself, people in the know (the people that matter) know the difference.

"Your car looks like a micra"

"So, yours looks like a corsa - Oh it is... Unluckeeeeee!"


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i call my car a micra with a bodykit hahaha.

You shudda turned around and said this 1.3 micra would make your FTO look stupid actually saying that your doing that just sitting there and then i wudda drove of HAHA

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Its nice to know im not the only one lol.. When he actually said "its a micra.. hahaha" I actually turned away and laughed. 'I' know it isnt a micra but like most of you say, i should of let them see for theirselves and showed them whos car really is boss and whos car performs more like a Micra.. Then lets see who laughs.. :)


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lol FTO what a joke haha! i would of put the window down and said here buddy my little micra would blow your arse cheeks a new colour.. wna try me.. get em on the by pass and leave em for dead lol.. mate in the work has one.. there not all that! haha

lol no harm in sayn you have a kitted micra with a tubby :) ... hell id be proud of a micra tubby... just think about the skyline micra laugh all they like but there cars just dont stand a chance lmao

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