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theres also a blind dude in it... dont understand how this will work.. i mean, how is he going to see things in the house, i dont think hes getting the real benefit of being in there with girls tbh...

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worst programme ever.

agree, I can't stand it, it's a load of shit, shouldn't be shown on tv

agreed. i cant believe people enjoy watching this shite.

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I have to admit, that I watched it last night, purely to see if it looks like it is going to be good this year.

People that went in were either, 'I am hot, I am brainy, I love me, and me and me. Oh and me. ' or 'I love world peace' or 'I love cookies'

The only person that I think will win, is the blind man....purely for sympathy really.

The black girls that went in both wearing purple dress will be out in the first 2 weeks!!

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Man u can't leave out the thai girl, she looks good for her age :D

the one that describes herself as a potatoe or something... you must be joking. or blind...

in fact the blind dude should be releived...

good old scotland has a good representaton this yeat. a blind man and a gay edinburgh dancer...


apologies... The cookie monster.


Kathreya Kasisopa ('Kat') is a 30-year-old Thai massage therapist from Kent.[16] She relocated from Bangkok, Thailand to the UK seven years ago and she has an obsession with cookies. Kathreya says she’s addicted to them and she carries a cookie jar with her wherever she goes. Kathreya is a Buddhist, believes strongly in karma, and will do anything to avoid an argument. She loves wearing bright clothing, and wears platform boots at all times to give her extra height as she is only 5ft tall. She loves Techno music. She dreams about cookies. She wants her gravestone to be made of cookies so that her relatives can eat it. She is scared of the dark. She wants to be reincarnated as a pokemon. She says her best feature is her mouth, as it never stops smiling.

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Admittedly I have been watching it just to see what this year's housemates are like - I have to say they are already annoying me and its only been a few days!

I just think now BB is seriously overrated - I mean do they seriously need to keep doing it every year? I watched it to begin with but now its so predictable - housemates go in, they mingle, they argue (about Chips!? oh dear!), then they come out, they get slagged by the media........ good life huh?

I do think the blind guy is sweet though - its good they are getting someone in who has a disability, shows that BB is open for everyone who wants to do it.

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I have to admit, I did watch it last night.

I dont know why I watch it, as it makes me angry! So angry I was going to call Big Mouth!

Who the feck does Sylvia and Alexandra think they are? The are bullies and shit stirrers. Although they both believe they arent.

They will be up for eviction next week and Alexandra will be booted out.

Does she not think that if she wants to win its probabley not a good idea to make everyone hate her?? Thick bitch!

Anyways, rant over.

I love Kat! HIRARYIOUS!!!

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