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Hate day drunk/pissed people!

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I work in a take away right, i served this idiot who came in with a can of beer in his hand, pissed outta his face! Come in and ordered a chicken chow mein and curry sauce. He paid for it,but asked for discount because he needs to get more beer..... i was like... no. So he was like fine. Meal was ready, he left the shop, came back in few minutes after asking why he ain't got his chicken curry, chips, egg rice and curry sauce. I was like....... u didn't order any of that, he was like i did and i paid for it!!

So after a few back and forward same convo, he said fine, i want to order those items, i said ok, blah blah told him how much it was and repeated his order several hundred times (litterally!!! i had to, as he wasn't processing what i was saying or telling him).

He said he wasn't going to pay for it as he was 70p short, so i said fine u aint getting the food. He got all angry and said u wont let me off 70p!! I said...... anyway else you go and u was 70p short or whatever you will get the same response, he then hurdle abuse at me, saying iam a w*nker and a t*sser etc... i was shocked.

So he was harassing some of our customers and saying we are ripping off for food that he paid for and not get. It was just a headache!! Mind you, none of the male customers wanted to get involved, one just said... i just here to get my food and dont want to get involved.

But a lady customer was kind enough to help me out as she can see i was in destress. Then the drunk guy called her a council whore and said he was a multi millionaire (you can say anything when your drunk right) ..... oh my god, in the end we called the cops, cops didn't come at all, how crap was that!! But the drunk geezer left as my brother told him to leave the shop i think he was scared the cops would come in the end too.

Seriously i dunno how to handle these people, i hate drunks!!!!

Sorry for the life story on here :)<_< just hate to moan about it

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yeah this is a situation i've seen too often. always wanna boot them right in the gonads...

i hate people that mouth off... and i especially hate people who mouth off at people providing a service cause said service isn't up to their high standards.

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i hate attitude drunks.... i remember i walked in a friends take away, and a drunk chav and his mate had lost £10 and i walked in sober and very hyper as you do.. so one turns to his mate and said i stole it and they started on me.. my mate was like get out and im not serving so they appologised and went quiet but the matter changed after they were served their food... i didnt want any problems at all just wanted to talk away to my friend but anyway it got out of hand so my mate and me who was there with me decided it was time to deal with these guys we threw them out and they started more bother out side... so it ended up that me and the mate went out and opened up a can of woop ass (may i just say in this point not the best way to have been handled but to hell with it <_< lol ) after that they decided to upsticks and run later on the police came round and questiond what the ruckus was about we explained that they caused troubles in the take away and we threatend them to call the police...

found out later that night both were arrested on breach of the peace at the local store just round the corner...

lol what a night a beat down and arrested!!

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Lol bet that ain't the only time you've had something like that. It sounds really annoying and stressful.

I don't believe the male customers should necessarily get involved. He didn't attack you, your a professional in your own environment. He is there just to get his food. If the guys pulled a knife on him and killed him. Then he would have died for only verbal abuse that wasn't even directed at him and it only takes one punch in the wrong place to cause someone a lot of trouble.

But on the other hand sometimes its nice to help and i probably would have considered it myself, depending on the circumstances.

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i hate attitude drunks.... i remember i walked in a friends take away, and a drunk chav and his mate had lost £10 and i walked in sober and very hyper as you do.. so one turns to his mate and said i stole it and they started on me.. my mate was like get out and im not serving so they appologised and went quiet but the matter changed after they were served their food... i didnt want any problems at all just wanted to talk away to my friend but anyway it got out of hand so my mate and me who was there with me decided it was time to deal with these guys we threw them out and they started more bother out side... so it ended up that me and the mate went out and opened up a can of woop ass (may i just say in this point not the best way to have been handled but to hell with it <_< lol ) after that they decided to upsticks and run later on the police came round and questiond what the ruckus was about we explained that they caused troubles in the take away and we threatend them to call the police...

found out later that night both were arrested on breach of the peace at the local store just round the corner...

lol what a night a beat down and arrested!!

good man... good man

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This was like 6pm, stupid idiot just got me so angry, but i had to be polite to him because he is a customer. I had to do my job and didn't have time to stand explain to him why i refuse to serve him, he just got agressive to other customers who was just trying to calm things down.

Agree with Gaz about the males not stepping in, because they know they can break into a fight but it's best not too get involved, as for the female customer, it was ok for her to step in because she knows if he did hit her or anything he would be in deep trouble because she is a female.

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Mind you, none of the male customers wanted to get involved, one just said... i just here to get my food and dont want to get involved.

"All it takes for Evil to prevail in this world is for enough good men to do nothing"

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thing is tho thats why people dont step in because they are scared and intimidated.. tbh i cant be jacked with wise arse drunks... would gladdy kick them up and down the street..!

Lol that's a load of bollox. There could be a million reasons why someone don't step in. + "Self control is knowing you can but deciding you wont"

+ You know what to expect with people acting like that, you don't with someone who isn't.

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would of nut'em & cut'em <_<

seriously tho, i've been in the guy sitting down's place many'a time and it's a fine line between just ignoring it /giving a dirty look /making a comment & stepping in!

once you do one thing it can easily snowball with drunk people as they don't act as normal people would to stuations!

tbh shell, if you didn't make his order EXTRA spicey then i'll be very disapointed! :)

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would of nut'em & cut'em <_<

seriously tho, i've been in the guy sitting down's place many'a time and it's a fine line between just ignoring it /giving a dirty look /making a comment & stepping in!

once you do one thing it can easily snowball with drunk people as they don't act as normal people would to stuations!

tbh shell, if you didn't make his order EXTRA spicey then i'll be very disapointed! :)

Ryan..... he wanted a refund for his meal he took away with him, i asked him where the food was...... he said.... someone took it away. I said i cannot give u a refund because you took the meal out like 2seconds ago.

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we have 2 relatively effective bylaws in fife/scotland

1. alcohol cannot be bought from an off licence after 10pm.

2. (fife) alcohol cannot be consumed in the streets/parks/beaches. Ever

so assuming you go to a takeaway at a good time you generally don't have troubles... but like all laws it isn't watertight

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if i were there i would have took the guy outside beat his ass then walked in and been shellys hero then id take her out for dinner and we'd live happily ever after :(

:lol: would've loved that, but not with the beating and stuff, maybe more of a gentleman approach and settle the situation nicely :p i was waiting for someone to help me and glad the women did, i felt so alone as i couldn't explain anymore to him as i was wasting my breath.

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no need to feel lonely any more the Lovemiester is here!!!

ahh if you wanted the more gentleman approach i could have walked him round the corner then beat his ass... very true not nice to give someone a beat down in front of a lady!!

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no need to feel lonely any more the Lovemiester is here!!!

ahh if you wanted the more gentleman approach i could have walked him round the corner then beat his ass... very true not nice to give someone a beat down in front of a lady!!

:lol::p:p that made me laugh :( very gentleman approach

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no need to feel lonely any more the Lovemiester is here!!!

ahh if you wanted the more gentleman approach i could have walked him round the corner then beat his ass... very true not nice to give someone a beat down in front of a lady!!

don't get you hopes up shelly, the lovemeister is promised to galliano :lol:

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