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My Final Major Project

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Hi All,

Well after seeing some people post up on here about Uni work and final majors etc etc i thought it was about time to show people what i did at uni.

I studied Modelmaking at Bournemouth arts institute and although this sounds like a easy course its NOT! They teach you everything you would need to know to make most things from scratch and at extremely high tolerances. Not precision but close. I am qualified using lathe's, Mills, CNC, laser cutters, rapid prototyping, spraying, welding, brazzing, fibreglassing, mould making etc etc

Its been over two years since i graduated but i loved the course to bits, was extremely hard work. Now i know most course's allow some free time but this course was INTENSE!!!!! During the six months of my final major project i worked monday to friday, got to uni at 7:30am when the building opened and left every night at 9:00pm when it closed. i then worked at the weekends and did extra work for the course. Anyway enough blab, here is the pics of my final major project, like i said it looks like an airfix kit but its all made from raw materials. NOT ONE PIECE IS OFF THE SHELF!!!!!!!!!







Any comments welcome :p

Jason :p

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thats some top work there fella but ive got one question, how the hell did you make the chain?

The chain and sprockets are made using acid etched stainless steel, same process im using to make the stainless dials im working on. Its basically two etched pieces that are made to look like a chain and then sandwhiched together with lots of tiny pegs to give the effect of a chain. I started making the links individually but after making 2 links in 3 hours i decided against it! LOL

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I am astonished! How much would you charge to make a Paseo? :D

Its not cheap! :p Put it this way, the bike model cost me £1000 in materials and 6 months full time of my life. 6 months work at a reasonable rate and your looking at about £10,000+ for something similar :p

I almost sold this model to Orange County Choppers and was in talks about the price ($1000) but they never reached an agreement. :p

Jason :p

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Sell it for alot more than that!!

Shame I'm not mega rich or I would hire you for that! :p

Might just set about one in my spare time myself, take time with it, do little bits at a time etc.. with stuff off the shelf :p

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