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A Shittly Few Weeks

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apologies for the quiet few weeks. started off with been busy with uni work (that i can handle) then i had my bank account hacked and emptied so had no money for a few weeks :lol: finally to top it off, they say it comes in 3s work have cut hours back to 3 days a week due to been quiet so all work on the EP has stopped and all i can do now is basically keep it on the road.

hoping to get back to full working hours in the new year which is needed as i could do with some front breaks before my MOT and getting a rear fog light sorted.


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dunno how it got hacked someone possibly got in via my internat banking i dunno, i was lucky that my bank actually realised that it was not me using the account and locked it off but not before a large some of money went goodbye.

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