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Some One Clear My Mind About This

Guest cheshireglanza

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Guest cheshireglanza

i sold 97 honda civic 3 months ago to lad from manchester he has decided to text me today saying that every thing is going wrong with the car i sold it to him for 2500 now he wants his money back and saying if i dont he will take me to court i owned the car for 3 months till i seen my starlet come up for sale so i sold it off in them 3 months i had it only thing that went wrong was amp packed in but i put new one in for new owner i never give me any hassle but now hes ringing me and texting me saying he wants his money back i did not no it was going to cause him trouble when i sold it to him i dont want to rip people off but he has had it for 3 months is the car not his problem now

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Guest cheshireglanza
im sure its his problem surely as it will have been sold as seen? and 3 months after takes the piss abit!

just got text off the lad saying drivers side door hinge is broke and its got rad leak is he having a laugh

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let him waste his money taking you to court. he probably wont take it that far anyway. tell him to fuck off. sold as seen! when you buy a car you should look over it properly. 1ce the money and keys have exchanged hands its not your fault. plus hes signed the log book. its his property now. not urs

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Guest cheshireglanza

^^ this is what i have told him he even took his so called mates (chavs) to look over the car to who offered me some weed if i sell car cheaper lol im not giving him his money back has i would have to sell the starbo and drive a civic again im just not sure if he would come to my mums house and kick off with her i dont live there but address in log book is my mums has i move round far bit get my mail sent to my mums she lives there on her own and there didnt seem to nice when they come to pick car up plus there were CHAVS

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Just tell him that the car was sold as seen, and at the time, none of the faults were present, if he carries on, get in touch with the police and notify them of the situation, at the end of the day, he bought the car, he took it away, he can't come back 3 months down the line saying its fucked just due to him being careless, if it was me i'd just tell him where to go, and see what happens from there.


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^^ what he said,

you have fuck all to worry about, if your inclinded be c*nt

he has had the car for three months, thats two and a half months too long to do anything about it so your safe.

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Nothing to worry about mate!!!!

Sounds like he is a complete twat!!!!

He has probably had a few things go wrong with the car and thought 'how can i get rid of this or get some money for it'.

Im guessing he is just trying his luck to get money for it, don't see him having a case against you. Its been 3 months!!!!! I have had something similar happen and its just scare tactics. It will get you worried a little but there is no point, nothing will come of it.

Bloody Chav's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest cheshireglanza

cheers for comments guys i sent him text saying that if he wants to take me to count try get the date for a saturday so i dont have to get time off work and i told him if the car breaks down on the way to the court does he want me pick him up and pay for break down fee's the text i got back "was fuck off you cunt i will have you" lol :p

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cheers for comments guys i sent him text saying that if he wants to take me to count try get the date for a saturday so i dont have to get time off work and i told him if the car breaks down on the way to the court does he want me pick him up and pay for break down fee's the text i got back "was fuck off you cunt i will have you" lol :p


Also LOL @ them offering weed for a lower price :p

Dont worry about it mate but if they are dickheads I would worry about them coming back and vandalising your property etc. A said keep all the texts etc and if anything comes of it you got some evidence :p

Thats like me going back to the person I bought my GT off 11 months ago and saying my engines fucked I want some money back :p

Sold as seen at the end of the day if the problem wasnt there when you sold it then it aint your problem mate ;)

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it's silly what some people are like lol, when I sold my YZ125, the guy phoned me back a week later saying it'd seized and wanted his money back, which I couldn't understand why as it was running beautiful before I sold it, I eventually went to have a look and found that the numpty hadn't bothered using premix!!!! Just super unleaded, and when i pointed this out, he just went white lol, needless to say never heard a word after that


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Guest cheshireglanza
it's silly what some people are like lol, when I sold my YZ125, the guy phoned me back a week later saying it'd seized and wanted his money back, which I couldn't understand why as it was running beautiful before I sold it, I eventually went to have a look and found that the numpty hadn't bothered using premix!!!! Just super unleaded, and when i pointed this out, he just went white lol, needless to say never heard a word after that


i have never had some one come back to me bout car i have sold till today 3 months after selling it rad leak and hinge broke lol he even had 5 off his chav mates who were ment to no loads bout cars

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Guest cheshireglanza
the fact that he text you shows you have nothing to wory about!!

if it was me & i was pissed off with a dodgey car i was sold,then i would'nt bother with a text,i'd be at your door!

there was nothing wrong with the car when it left me so after 3 months i would laugh at you if you turned up on my door

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