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can i be the first person to congratulate the gouvernment on banning :thumbsup: there march on Wooten Basset. And finally having the balls to stand up to a group trying to bully the uk.

i am in no way a racist and for the most the islamic population in the uk helps our econemy etc etc and they are more than welcome.

On the other hand this group are bitching and moaning about why they cant have sharia law in the uk, why shouldnt women be allowed to pick up kids from schools whilst completly covering the face with a burkah, trying to plan a march on the same day at the same time as one of our young soldiers is paraded through its streets is absoulty disgusting, he died trying to win a war to give power back to the correct people in afganistan. If they want to live like that, why are they still in the UK??? i coould go on and on but ill leave it there. can i stress again in no way is this to be taken as offensive or racist. im merely expressing my disgust at the 'group' Islam4uk.

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I don't know much about the above but all I can say is this war is futile.

This is not ''Western war'', this is truly Bush's war with Blair in it.

Why should OUR men go to war only to come back in a bag for something no-one knows they're fighting for. It is totally absurd. Leave the war to America, don't involve the UK. All these people who think it's patriotic to join the war, bollox! If thats how you feel then get your tin hat, go to war and in a few months time come back in a bag.

Where an earth is pacifism in todays society.

I am a cold blooded animal and feel nothing for these body bagged men, the only people I feel it for is the silly family for letting them go. If it was OUR war even i'd even join them, i'm not going to war for the bastard of Bush's rights.

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its outrageous these distgusting extremists are even allowed to live in this country preaching hate and brainwashing a small nieve minority of the muslim population and giving good british muslims a bad name. We should have the power to kick therm out. what is it going to take?

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I've seen perfectly good non-muslims become Anti-Islam because of similar clowns to Anjum Choudary (leader of Islam4UK). And I've seen Muslims apostasise from Islam because of these idiots..

There is nothing good about him, what sort of tool suggests implementing Sharia law in a country with <10% Muslims?!

He says there is no such thing as a country running by Sharia on this world right now, but then he says it's a duty for Muslims to implement Sharia? What?!

So now, despite the failings on other countries which are almost completely Muslim in implementing Sharia, this joke of a person thinks he can actually do something that isn't, in his own words, done today, and run a state by Sharia! He doesn't have any Islamic qualification whatsoever!

Now on top of this, he thinks it's funny or fair that people protest at the homecoming of British troops, or even worse, that it's okay to try and preach to people grieving by saying that their loved ones are going to hell so they should save themselves!

I am a Muslim, but who the heck does he think he is doing this stuff in MY name, or even MORE disgracefully, in the name of Islam?!

I for one would love to march as a muslim with my equals be they christian or athiest against Chaudry and his ignorant mob!

Peace to all

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There's already too much hatred in this world!

Why is this fool just trying to cause more?

I agree with everything that has been said in this thread up to now and couldn't agree more with Amjad786.

Mabie someone should organise a march to get this clown and his cronies out of our multicultural and accepting country!

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couldnt agree more with everyone, this was the only place i could get down what i needed to say. having read papers over the last few weeks ive just become more irrate, the worst thing is they'll be loving the media attenshon, best thing we could do would be give no coverage in papers and tv, and round up all the leaders of this griup and send them packing.

glad what i said wasnt taken in offence, as i said every hard working muslim, who came to this contry for a better life and to fit in with the uk society is more than welcome...

always a small number of people wrecking it for eveyone else!!!

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I don't mind Muslims doing protest marches but doing it along the same route as what i'll be marching back along in a few months is just disgraceful especially when i've had 4 lads i've known, been carried down the same route in a fucking box. Nothing more than trying to grab attention. Rain on someone elses fucking parade. If I was going to do a protest I would do it through London in rush hour to hold up the traffic even more, i'm fairly sure that would get a lot more attention and a little less hatred methinks.

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Go any country in this world and try it! they have rules ... This is the only place in the world that we HAVE!! to accept what religions and laws of there country are.

ENGLAND nahh not anymore.. call it what you want.. there isn't a rule for that either ....

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to much readin to rwad all the comments so some of this will have probs been said already. it annoys me also. in no way racist. i dont believe in religion at all but i also dont care if other people do. its just irritating how people through their own choices decide to come to this country and then moan because they want a march to celebrate their religions and festivals. im sorry but it just shouldnt work like that, if there were alot of british people living in a foreign country i can almost gaurantee that their wouldnt be any marches or festivals for it lol. also now that racism has been mentioned i hate the fact that anything you sat to someone of another race is taken as racist and most of the time not by the race but by some twat from over here that thinks he knows what other races take offence to. for me racism it attacking verbally or phisically a person for no other reason than that they are a different race. i dont believe it is racist if you were to say get into a arguement with someone of another race and make a comment on colour of skin etc. its the same as if you say someones fat or ginger or slag a mate for bein like a milk bottle but yet. as chris said in his post i could go on for a while but i will stop there and at least the country has stood its ground for once.

feel better now :lol: lol

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Go any country in this world and try it! they have rules ... This is the only place in the world that we HAVE!! to accept what religions and laws of there country are.

ENGLAND nahh not anymore.. call it what you want.. there isn't a rule for that either ....

comepletly agree!!! it seems that our gouverment are that scared of offending other races there are infact offending the british population by letting thugish groups like islam4uk even have a voice in the first place.

when people first decide to move to a diferent country they no what sort of country they are moving to, what there religions are,laws, etc etc. so if it was your choice in the first place to decide to live in a society were these apply, why then do a small number of very offensive people then decide to change all that??? (thats no reference to all islamic/muslim people just the extremists)

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i fuckin hate this country, they couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery, we have our lads over there fighting without the correct protection while you get pricks like Gordan Brown twiddling his thumbs trying to make himself look like he knows what hes doing.

The march through wooten basset was a fuckin disgrace and should never ever have been brought up, ISLAM4UK can go fuck themselves in my familys eyes, i am speeking for myself here, im not racist in anyway, however i do not agree at all that the muslims that died should be remembered in this country.

The biggest thing that pisses me off is Tony Blair, it wasnt our war in the fuckin first place, but because he wanted to be a fuckin hero to the US, he threw our lads out there to help them!!

Rant Over lol

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no other country would tolerate the CRAP, the demands, the bullshit.

Hell Switzerland's public just voted to BAN the construction of Mosques! Obv their was outcry about this, to which the response was "well, would we be allowed to build Christian churches in YOUR country???" and you know the waffle they got in response to that?? "oh, you can't compare the two countries". bullshit! in their country we would have to abide by their laws, but here they demand to be allowed to do as they please, about their rights blah blah and can slag off our military and our govt all they please and our govt does fuck all about it.

and sadly it shows no sign of gettin any better.

whether our lads should have been over there or not i'm not going to discuss, but they went and the British public should back and support them as much as they can.


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whether our lads should have been over there or not i'm not going to discuss, but they went and the British public should back and support them as much as they can.

Wish everyone was like that, went for the lunch run into town in my kit and some dirty fuckin civvy started giving me grief. Jumped up little shite. I'm not too sure why we're out there either but it's fuckin brutal. I'll be over there for my birthday, what a present.

Can't complain about the money, I can complain about the tax though. Fat PM cunt.

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Wish everyone was like that, went for the lunch run into town in my kit and some dirty fuckin civvy started giving me grief. Jumped up little shite. I'm not too sure why we're out there either but it's fuckin brutal. I'll be over there for my birthday, what a present.

Can't complain about the money, I can complain about the tax though. Fat PM cunt.

Good luck to you mate, hope you come home safe :lol:

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There ALL a bunch of crooks, simple.....money/oil/status/power......eliminate all that out of the equation = peace

Who makes it all worse??? the media!!!

i dont think those thigs are the reason. its all religion. think of everything thats been caused by religious beliefs that can all be proven wrong by facts. why are people so blind.

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Wish everyone was like that, went for the lunch run into town in my kit and some dirty fuckin civvy started giving me grief. Jumped up little shite. I'm not too sure why we're out there either but it's fuckin brutal. I'll be over there for my birthday, what a present.

I was in the Air Cadets mate, so I have a natural respect for all the forces. At the end of the day, you're all out there on orders from Her Majesty and the Govt, they made a request to their military and the military have done as was asked of them. you guys didnt stop and think "hmmmm is this Bush telling Blair what to do?? should we really be going??", no, you's just got up and went and did your job, and that gets my respect all day long. I just wish more of you guys came home in one piece.

take the wee mouth-piece civvy out there for 6hours to do what you guys do all day, every day, and the wee fucker would shit his pants and run home to his mummy at the first sound of a rifle shot. what irritates me about those wee fucks is that, whats the point in giving the soldiers grief about it??? its not like you guys are given much say in the matter!!!! you're given your orders, simple as. do wee shits like that think that the PM, after makin his decision to go to war, phones up individual soldiers and airmen and ask them if its ok to give the order???????? at what point is it the fault of the men and women out there taking bullets for cunts like that????? IT AINT!!!!

apologies for the rant, its not a political thing. Politics totally aside, men and women YOUNGER THAN ME (and i' only 26) are out there dying on a daily basis - the LEAST people could do is show a little respect, they may not want to be grateful, but fuck me, is a little respect and acknowledgment too much to ask???

clearly dickheads like that were never involved in any of the Cadet forces or they would have an inate respect for all servicemen and women.

i remember once at uni, my best mate (fogdoggydog on here), who was a Sgt in the Air Cadets, was stopped outside our uni by some hippy tree huggin fag, and asked to sign a petition to "Bring our boys home". Now, of all non-military personsel to ask to sign that shit, a Cadet is the WRONG person to ask, especially when they are a LOT bigger than the twat with the clip board. Suffice to say, the offending wanker was very quickly told where he could shove his clipboard and that should he make the mistake of asking my mate a second time, that he would most certainly be regretting ever having questioned why our military do what they do when sent to do their job without asking questions!


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added from my topic :thumbsup:

Did you here that the leader of the muslim extremist group was on £50,000 a year benefits HOW????

How the hell did that happen, how can it be possible to get more than the average wage.

Me and my family all have jobs work hard, my dad has been working since he was 16, started off as an apprentice he became unemployed last year, as the main source of income we were worried, he went to claim benefits they told him he was only allowed to have about £40 a week HOW HOW GRRRRRRR



Today, 09:00 PM

Post #2

didnt no that, the scum bag should be hung and paraded through wooten basset, arsehole. i work my arse off for 15k a year to support my g.f and baby, we get virtually nothing from the gvrment to help and the worst thing of all is the tax that i do pay is paying for him to have a cushty life!!! fkin dick,

p.s i started this rant a few days ago, search for 'islam 4 uk' join the rant there bud.


yeah 54k was it not. unbelievable


Today, 09:37 PM

Post #4

Piss take.



Today, 09:47 PM

Post #5

QUOTE (chriswoodfto @ Jan 14 2010, 09:00 PM)

didnt no that, the scum bag should be hung and paraded through wooten basset, arsehole. i work my arse off for 15k a year to support my g.f and baby, we get virtually nothing from the gvrment to help and the worst thing of all is the tax that i do pay is paying for him to have a cushty life!!! fkin dick,

p.s i started this rant a few days ago, search for 'islam 4 uk' join the rant there bud.

will copy and paste this over

and mate i know im still at home luckly enough but my mate has a gf whos got a kid he works 5 days a week gets about 16K wants to move in with his gf and council say if he does they ll cut all her child benefits makes me SICK

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Fuck me as if he was on so much benefits! :lol:

Some very valid points in this thread.



i think its wrong that if you tick all the right boxes you can get this... no onw should be allowed to get more than £12,000 a year in benefits :/

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