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Think My Mr2 Has To Go :'(

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Well as the title suggests i might have to put my MR2 up for sale :)

got pulled for speeding the other night on the motor way and think i will receive a 6 month ban!... got clocked through a whole junction doing between 95 and 108 but it was 12:30 and the motor way was dead all i was doing was cruising at 80 then this car came up my arse so i moved over, it followed me so i moved lanes again it still followed me, kinda making me a bit agitated i sped up a bit this must have been the recorded 108 then all of a sudden some blue lights came on from it... :) shhhhit lol. was fucked from then on really.

so yeah you might see a for sale post soon as i will 100% not be able to afford insurance on my beasty beast after this... 4 years ncb down the shitter and not allot to show for it. but hay live and learn and all that, just have to start again. back to a slow 1.6 zetec s or something... maybe a yaris t sport, i don't know lol.

might be back in a glanza sooner then i though haha

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Ahhh man thats bad luck really gotta be careful these days!!

I dont boot it unless I can see theres nothing about, especially when its dark and all you can see is head lights.

I would love to take the 2 off your hands but that aint gonna happen :) lol

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I would definately protest that one. The officer was inticing you in to speeding. Fair enough you should not have been doing 80 mph but to agitate you to go further is unfair. Speak to a solicitor mate as it is definately worth defending in my opinion.

Also you wont lose you NCB for it. If you ever got banned keep it insured until the insurance runs out without telling them you are banned. It wont matter as you aren't going to have a bump if the car is not being driven. Collect the NCB when it does run out and cancel the policy, when you are back on the road get insurance with you NCB but then you will have to decalre the ban obviously otherwise your insurance is invalid.

If you have a bump then you do lose the NCB obviously


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:) sorry to here that chirs i feel for you mate :)

The same thing happened to my mate not long ago there was a car up his arss it was a Astra VXR trying to race him he didnt bother but then he tought fuck it and put his foot down in his Honda integra type R with a k20 engine in with a turbo conversion.

As you can imagine he was doing about 120mph in seconds....Then fuck me there was a copper in a layby with his speed gun out B) so my mate though fuck it and put his foot down B) and was doing about 150mph :o but he got away and has never been caught to this day.

It just annoying that you get silly people like my mate that take chase from the police and get away with it.Then you have people like you that will speed every now and then and get fucked for it

Hope things work out for the best chris :D

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Man that suckss :)

I overtook a undercover copper in a 40 zone on the bypass (didn't go over 40 obv cause i knew it was a copper), he booted it up my arse trying to make me go over 40 but it wasnt happening, he pulled me at the next roundabout :)

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thats enticing u into a race, period.

i would contest the shit outta that! u were goaded into reacting, not a chance i'd take that lying down.

plus, if u were doin 80 on an empty motorway which is within the 10% plus 2/3mph rule of thumb, then what speed was he doing to CATCH you, and HOW will he justify doing that speed just to catch someone doin a meesley 80mph on a motorway late at nite??? how will he explain that??

f**kin bollox mate, fight that! go see a solicitor! dont take that lyin down, its just someone tryin to fill their quota for the month and a modified car owner is an easy target in the eyes of a court.


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cheers for the support guys... dont think i'v got much of a leg to stand on by saying he was making me race as he was following me but wasnt like up my arse just following every move i made.

i'm not one to take things lying down and will do as much as possible to keep my loverly beast lol!...

this is not the end of project ***bhp!! :)B)

also Bourkey mate pm coming your way :)

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Gutted for you mate, im not in the best of moods with the Police lately after getting done for having a performance exhaust :)

Hopefully you can get away with it mate, and you get to keep the beast of a MR2!!

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pardon me??

done for a performance exhaust??

on what grounds?? noise?? did they have a decibel reader?? does it pass MOT?? FUCK RIGHT OFF! i had f**kin quads on my n/a and it wasn't THAT loud FFS!!! u lot take things lying down WAY too much, and then the fuzz over here think they can pull the same crap because the met get away with it!!

STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES!!!!! performance exhuast my f**kin hole!


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Guest ep82_girl
Well as the title suggests i might have to put my MR2 up for sale :)

got pulled for speeding the other night on the motor way and think i will receive a 6 month ban!... got clocked through a whole junction doing between 95 and 108 but it was 12:30 and the motor way was dead all i was doing was cruising at 80 then this car came up my arse so i moved over, it followed me so i moved lanes again it still followed me, kinda making me a bit agitated i sped up a bit this must have been the recorded 108 then all of a sudden some blue lights came on from it... :) shhhhit lol. was fucked from then on really.

so yeah you might see a for sale post soon as i will 100% not be able to afford insurance on my beasty beast after this... 4 years ncb down the shitter and not allot to show for it. but hay live and learn and all that, just have to start again. back to a slow 1.6 zetec s or something... maybe a yaris t sport, i don't know lol.

might be back in a glanza sooner then i though haha

you didnt tell me that part!!! B) if you were put in to a situation like that you can definetly defend yourself against it! that is called police untrapment. they saw your car and targetted you!! i would seriously consult your local solicitor or i can ask in work for you tomorrow but dont back down on this one seriously


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man thats such a shame but i defenatly wouldnt let it drop, the police are a pain in the arse the other week i got pulled for having my fogs on by a copper on foot in my local town even though id just come from some really foggy roads round the corner, the prick said i was lying so i said "i tell you what pal jump in and il show you" he soon shut up and said be on ya way lol did they show you the video evidence??? if not tell them to suck ya left testicle :)

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pardon me??

done for a performance exhaust??

on what grounds?? noise?? did they have a decibel reader?? does it pass MOT?? FUCK RIGHT OFF! i had f**kin quads on my n/a and it wasn't THAT loud FFS!!! u lot take things lying down WAY too much, and then the fuzz over here think they can pull the same crap because the met get away with it!!

STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES!!!!! performance exhuast my f**kin hole!


Yeah mate, got pulled for having a 'overly loud exhaust' and window tints aswell, wasnt just the Police though that was the problem. VOSA pulled me too which are incharge of all the MOTs and stuff over here.

Had to get it re Mot'ed with the tints and exhaust removed which has now been done. Tints and exhaust wasnt removed for the MOT though, and guess what?? It went straight through. They put a Prohibation Notice on me saying that my car was unsafe for the road for 28days. But that got removed the next day so...

Oh well its all sorted now.

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Guest cheshireglanza

i had that Prohibation Notice put on my glanza they give me 2 hours to get it to garage to have the tints removed or i could not drive the car even tho i told the office i could pull the tints off now so i would not have to take it poilce station to show i removed the tints :)

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