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Re-trimming Gt Seats Into Leather

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is i possible to get GT seats re-trimmed with leather?

what kind of people do it and how much would it roughly cost?


Yes im sure its possible but i reckon its probably going to be mega bucks :)

I had my headrests from my lexus unstitched, embroidered with the 'L' logo and then restitched together for £90, thats just the 2 front ones! I used a company in Southampton called 'Gibson and Boyne' they have done some amazing work. Their demo cars even has leather, sideskirts, arch's, bumper etc. Looks a bit strange but shows what they can do. Don't know if they are still going though???


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lol. Will need to be rich to afford that

i remember someones mum of UKSC is really good at this stuff lol.

i asked for my golfs whole interior to be done in beige leather with the floor being dark blue (cloth floor, really love it)

I got quoted for nearly 2k

Rear seats bench, rest etc. £689 or something

front was about 400 per seats

door cards were about 220 total for all 4 but there wasn't allot that needed to be retrimmed, most of it was plastic part

and a further £600 for the floor of the car inc boot to be stripped and re stitched with the blue cloth

I was only getting quotes lol hoping that it will be like 4 or 500 pound and i would have got it done lol

It is best if you know someone there and that way they can make the price lower.

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an upholster i know quoted me 150 per seat but thats mates rates, that wasnt for leather mind but i asked about leather and he said they charge u x amount per inch for leather and it starts to get really expensive.

he did say he can get a full leather skin for around 80 quid but you would need around 3 for a pair of seats

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