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Modified Cars Coming To An End?

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Infact decent cars, performance cars and so on..

I have noticed that a lot of modified or Japanese cars are not around no more. The green stuff, economy and prevention of pollution is casuing it all to end. It worries me as most of my ambition has been focused on one day owning some nice cars and maybe dirt bikes and those kinds of things.

Not only can people not afford it, the cars and rules are becoming more strict. If this is the case, I hope it doesn't get too serious within ten years.

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i will be modifying cars when im old and grey :) and theres enough poeple out there that will do the same i hope. maybe in a way with all these new laws and going green etc it might put encourage poeple to start bodging things more and do things on the cheap so its going to get more cars gayly modified but theres enough people out there i hope that will never be put off and carry on doing what they do B)

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my old man is old and grey and still helps me lol

it does worry me that some of the best cars are what we see now, u look at all the 0-60s of supposed warm/hot hatches and our 20 year old cars are faster!!

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B) green cars? are you kidding me.. i cant drive 10 feet without having someone want a race down a straight jeez!!

comming back from the local shops.. a white classic scoob type RA .. caused me to go a blap down a full B road (empty & sunny) it was most enjoyable. :) a five mins run to the shop ended up a 30 min enthausiastic drive!!

down my end theres alot of cars!!! tuning and such things have come to a current hault because we were hit with a resession

it will pick up again.. another strike on petrol will happen it will go back down life will be super once again!

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agreed, i think new cars are getting boring. I dont seem to like anything new anymore,

id rather an evo 6 to a 10, R34 over the new gtr, maybe its just me though. I guess there is a larger market for manufactures to make something thats boring and reliable. Quite depressing though lol

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ive had a few newer cars see me and want to race, i know they'd whip my ass so i just point and laugh at them and pretend to be like your avin a laugh aint you, not even worth it :) but in reality i own an n/a B)

a new shaped celica waved me for a race so i just pointed and laughed and he sped off up the hill lmao

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Totally agree with this mate, had it on my facebook the other day.

The modified car world is definatly dying. But i do think that, that is due to the Police becoming more strict and of course the recession which is making everything stupidly expensive.

Hopefully it'll pick up again because i love the Japanese Car Scene its immense.

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Anyone saw the news today. The new engine in the RX-7 will be bi-fuel, so it also runs on diesel. :harhar:

They're developing that new engine, because the RX-8 engine can't get trough emission restrictions.

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That points out exactly what I mean, new cars will be getting worse. As a result the nice sounds you get on cars could change too. I hardly see any modified cars round here anymore, and it is a sad sight for me. Even the chavvy ones are non existant.

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