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Bored Off Work Sick For Long Time?

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alright people bored outtta my skull bin off work for 3 week and got nuva 3 week off most me mates r at work all day and i not spose to drive i had a bit of minor surgery n it went wrong i had 2 engrowin toe nails the op was done on same day my left toe was fine but they fucked up the right they left the tornicay band opn my foot i went home n was in load of pain i went back next day to havin dressin changed band was on there n my toe was blu i nearly lost it n still might.

tornicay is like well tight elastic band so sewing the surgery long process, so n e way im off work bored outta me skull not spose to drive me car evry 1 at work and nuffink on tv no ps3 xobox games i wanna play its shit! plus im only gettin statutory pay from work so im skint i bin down pub couple times but spose be restin up this sucks!

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same thing happened to me mate only without the band, mine got infected and almost lost my toe, ive got some pretty gruesome pics if any wants to see lmfao i had to have 2 months off, and i was on crutches for the 1st month

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alright people bored outtta my skull bin off work for 3 week and got nuva 3 week off most me mates r at work all day and i not spose to drive i had a bit of minor surgery n it went wrong i had 2 engrowin toe nails the op was done on same day my left toe was fine but they fucked up the right they left the tornicay band opn my foot i went home n was in load of pain i went back next day to havin dressin changed band was on there n my toe was blu i nearly lost it n still might.

tornicay is like well tight elastic band so sewing the surgery long process, so n e way im off work bored outta me skull not spose to drive me car evry 1 at work and nuffink on tv no ps3 xobox games i wanna play its shit! plus im only gettin statutory pay from work so im skint i bin down pub couple times but spose be restin up this sucks!

I know the feeling! I have been off work for nearly 3 months now after heart operation and it sucks ass. Nothing to do but tinker with the odd car part! I couldn't drive for nearly 2 months. I go back to work on the 10th and i can't wait, sounds crazy but when you have been off for so long it drives you mad!!!!!

I have had a ingrowing toe nail removed and the nail bed destroyed, god the pain was bad. Must be even worse if they left the band on :( Hope you feel better soon mate.

Jason B)

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man those toe pics r awesome ill get mine up to for a luagh lol yer fuckin boring i justr took the glanza out ignored the pain and took it towards hastings down the lanes what fun these cars are defo lose your liscence cars now in doors bored again haaha

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haha yeh mine went like that before i had my op, i had them on both feet but not at the same time, the 1st operation was fine then changed srgeons and he butchered my toe and i had to cancel my holiday, gf was not happy, and now since ive booked another 1 ive lost my job, maybe i should just stay in wales :lol:

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lmao off thought sum 1 would say bout boots they r me sisters lol where just under chair when takin the pic, yeah the phots r after the op i wish had a phot off wen they just took band off cause that realli was gruesome toe was blu? thanks for all get well soons cant wait to get back to work and more importantly get back in the motor :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

thought id would fire this back up again just had whole toe nail removed, i went back to work last week after 9 weeks off and now im off again for week or so had another toe operation on the right toe pictured above, below r my recent photos enjoy






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i had one done, seems docs make a right fuck up.

when i got mine done, there was a junior, and the surgeon asked, if i minded the young lad doing it, i said i dont care aslong as they do summit to stop the pain, wouldnt let me watch, said i had to lie back, bear in mind i was only gettin one side done. so off they, went, then told me to sit up. when i looked at it, i couldnt believe it, stupid cunt had done the wrong side, so i then had to get the other side done, so this time i argued untill he let me watch, said if i even flinched once, i would have to lie down. couldnt feel a thing when it was being done, but woke up the next morning, stood out of bed, and hit the floor, totally forgot i'd had it done, and when i put my foot down, it felt like my toe had exploded.

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shit mate thats pretty funny though lol, well man the nurse didn't remove the tornicay band n i nearly lost me toe altogether and where it swelled so much it caused the other side to engrow so now im screwed no tail n a big toe with no sensation lol sewing the ass of the hospital hopefully ill get enough so that i can have the glanza forged and some sort of td04 set up

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