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I hate premiership football,

International football is a load of bollocks! How can you expect people that play against each other (Hate each other) to play together for a month ??

And i do hate and i don't watch it.... But it's impossible to get away from it, I wish terrorists would do something good for once and blow the stadium up whilst the finals on! Hopefully england will make to the final if that happens be the best result in football history :)

i think your taking it a bit far now mate, it was funny the 1st time

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And i do hate and i don't watch it.... But it's impossible to get away from it, I wish terrorists would do something good for once and blow the stadium up whilst the finals on! Hopefully england will make to the final if that happens be the best result in football history :)

Bit harsh Haha :) Would be remembered tho lol

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To be a footballer professionally you must need to get A+'s in P.E., Drama and Dance anyway as that's all the seem to do is prance around like fanny's rolling round the floor because someone stood on their little toe!

Rugby should be the new football

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Guest ep82_girl

just so i understand the game i always thought the idea of a goal keeper was to keep the ball out of the net not to allow it in AFTER they had it in there hands :lol:


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Jo - I thought u was gna ask about the offside trap then and i was gonna swing for u haha

How many girls are there left in the world that dont know the rule now as every girl asks.

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Guest ep82_girl
Jo - I thought u was gna ask about the offside trap then and i was gonna swing for u haha

How many girls are there left in the world that dont know the rule now as every girl asks.

lmao im pretty switched on with footie its always on with my bro and dad


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It's a good job you aint 1 of my kids cuz if mine didnt like football i would have made them do dance and get bullied at school for being bitches.

finially someone talking my language. lee you may stay the rest go away :)

just so i understand the game i always thought the idea of a goal keeper was to keep the ball out of the net not to allow it in AFTER they had it in there hands :angry:


to be fair to green the new ball there playing with is totally fucked up. its supposed to be the roundest ball ever made and its causing a lot of interesting results in most games now. but green caught the ball then you could see the ball spun out of his hands. loads of teams have complained about it so far

Not a football fan what so ever, but its a pretty good excuse to get pissed and just take the piss out of the English :)

Least we qualified you sheep shagging noobs :angry: :):)

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Loads of goal keeping mistakes so far at this world cup we cant blame green england have played shocking, not so bad against USA just couldn't score but against Algeria we was shocking.

Id get rid of Rooney and Lampard for Slovenia. Crouch and Defoe up front cuz i know when defoe came on he didn't stop running, crouch hasnt had a chance yet and has a better scoring record than rooney against shit team and Sloevenia aint exactly good.

Joe colle left Shaun wright phillips on the right gerrard and barry in the midfield then the usual defence that got us through qualifying.

What so hard to see Capello you punk?

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Football is shit, it's annoying, anyone who thinks England will win is mad. Worst of all practically every footballer, especially British ones are tits, cheats and wannabe thugs. Which means 90% of the population worship and look up to a bunch of nippleheads. It sums up England pretty well. But the results are still annoying but also kind of funny. The F1 is great though, definitely a better sport for me.

Also, what a great year with the points so close, both Button and Hammy head on the same team!!!!! Oh my days how can anyone think that's worse than football!!!!!

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