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As some folk aware.. i just recently bought my own house. (Awsome imo)

HOLY F**K.. all i do is spend spend spend. not on bills or anything.. on house stuff.

I just went to give the missus some cash for this & that.. she popped into the bank and i wonderd into a furniture place..

Thats me just gone and bought a Dinning table & Coffee table.. i really shouldnt have but they looked the game!

so my lunch break consisted on skinning my self.. and im off to america for 2 weeks on Saturday :lol:

Who else is loving the own home life? .. ill need to post pics up of my house, been meaning to show you all what my Crib is like!!

Bring on the bambino!!!! :o

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Joshy mate.. im only 22! lol.

Mate moved house again! congrats on the nice new house, pain in the hoop for all bills and so on though!!!

ive had one or two frights last two weeks man... 2 x £600 charges for arrangements... i was like WTF!!! thats america moneys.. but the bank apologised for taking it twice.. and reinstated the money lol

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lol best advice is enjoy being young mate.. dont worry about a house.. stay with the rents for years...

get a supra... do waht ever... when a house comes.. thats out the window if you dont have the job for the cash lol

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tbf thats what im doing now lol costs me a bomb to insure and drive my glanza but if i dont do it now I've got no chance in the future!

supra sounds good aswell :lol:

also i spent the weekend in hosp trying not to choke to death ! so im going to enjoy myself as much as i can! lifes too short and fragile,

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been renting since i was 17, had my own place for 4 years. gets a bit annoying when all my mates have loads of money living at home spending on what they want and i have to budget cause i got house to pay for but I've never regretted living on my own. the freedom is awesome and i truly reccomend it to anyone :lol:

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All I can say is GOOD luck to the nippers on here that are saying they want their own house etc. Without support of parents, banks etc you will struggle, unless you have cash stacked away. Situations are just shit with the ecoomy. Those who have their own places, hands down to them

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All I can say is GOOD luck to the nippers on here that are saying they want their own house etc. Without support of parents, banks etc you will struggle, unless you have cash stacked away. Situations are just shit with the ecoomy. Those who have their own places, hands down to them

Addz thats nice confidence boost lol!! - i got passed no problems without my parents remembering im 22, ive bought everything in my house apart from the washing machine.. thats a gift from my parents

First time buyers should! be buying houses just now... the house pricing is frightningly low right now.. so that means you will get a beast of a house cheaper than normay!

its good for first time buyers as theres no chain's its a straight move in.

My advice is anyone wanting to get there own place. renting is throwing your money away.. stay with the parents get the deposit.. buy your house.. youll pay the same amount you would renting but its your own!!!

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me and the missus have owned our own house for the past year before that we rented for about a year and a half!! its not easy at times but its got to be done!! my mates wonder why im still running round in the n/a!! lol

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this is why i am putting the last large touches to the EP now, winter tyres, refurb the speedies etc, because once i lift the deposit money and hand it over, the most that car will see is polish and a wash and petrol.

also, 26 yrs old working in the pharmaceutical industry, i dont think i count as a nipper anymore lol, but i agree that staying with your folks for as long as u can to try to get the deposit together is a good idea...because thats wot im doing lol


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But your fucked if you didnt save when stayong with parents and have to jump in the deep end. Im only renting due to no deposit money plus if the worst happens i can give 20 days notice and get to fuck with no ties or morgage debt hassles :lol: . Will 1 day have to get get it though :o

exactly the same boat mate

i had to get my own place as parents moved and wasnt in the best money situation and didnt have room for me which i understood. didnt fancy sleeping in a converted bedroom from the dining room so got my own place renting quuickly. going to be a bitch to save up for a deposit for a house but once the GT's finished il be ok :p

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Got my own apartment, only renting like but love living on my own tbh and its stunning and was fully furnished, even came with a Bravia TV :p:lol:

So the extra that it would cost a month in rent is fine by me until im out of uni :o

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i've rented since i was 18 looking at buying at the moment. tbh prices are suprisingly good atm 3 bed house garage,garden,drive etc looking at 110k in the area im in now which isnt that bad i thought :lol:

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i suppose im in a lucky situation, ive been away, and in college for a long time, but now i earn a good wage, ive just about finished buying my parents house, as my mum lived in a council house renting for 20 years, this pissed me off, but she got 50% of the house price, so i put 10k on it last year, and bought the rest of it this year, its in my mums name, due to council regulations, but its my house, and when it comes to a mortgage on my own place, ive got 70k house as collaterall.

when im on shore, i live at mums, or my gf's so i have no outgoings, and can currently save around 30k a year, so within the next 5, i will prob pay 50 or 60% deposit on a house, and mortgage the rest on a 10yr or less.

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Addz thats nice confidence boost lol!!

They all own boost somewhere along the line, thought I'd push out 2.0bar here :lol:

Renting is just a waste of money, and like said on here, save-up and get a house. Both my siblings done that and they are potent with funds (living). Renting is throwing money, rather stay home and pay less to the rents.

I am lucky, being Asian I have no: rent money to pay, there's no rush in kicking me out - just need to save lol.

I was very lucky I didn't make the silly move I was going to when I was younger with my girlfriend at the time, don't get trigger happy with appartments lol

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