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Had some seriously bad karma today

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Right heres a little story for you lol

I was talking to a girl I know on the phone yesterday, and she told me about a boy she went all the way through school with was playing a rugby game and when walking off the pitch he just dropped dead, suspected heart attack, terrible aint it B)

Anyway, I said to her its mad how that can happen like that and that I could die in the gym tomorrow who knows.

So tonight I was doing ab crunches with the ropes behind my neck pulling the weights down, hard to explain but anyway, the height adjustment wasnt locked in place tidy and 30kg of weights came crashing down on my head and almost knocked me out!! I was a bit dazed for like 5 seconds and thought what the fuck, but I got up and felt fine, a instructor came up to me to see if I was OK and I was like yea I'm fine etc so I checked my head and it was bleeding a bit so they sent me to the first aid room.

On a good note the first aider was a young girl and was absolutely stunning and sorted my head right out ;)

Thats my story anyway, anyone else had a strange day? lol

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I had a really strange day too. I read a topic started by a guy called 'Sparky' and it didn't mention him getting laid or being a man slag. I felt really light headed and almost fainted but then i read this....

On a good note the first aider was a young girl and was absolutely stunning and sorted my head right out

after i read that i felt normal again and went about my daily business ;)

Oh, hope the heads ok dude B)

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Yea I said it was like Final Destination to Lauren and was expecting to be knocked over by a car walking home then ;)

It could of been worse, I was gonna start off on 50kg, I think I would of been knocked out if I did!

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I had a really strange day too. I read a topic started by a guy called 'Sparky' and it didn't mention him getting laid or being a man slag. I felt really light headed and almost fainted but then i read this....

after i read that i felt normal again and went about my daily business ;)

Oh, hope the heads ok dude B)


Hope your heads ok too! Ouch!

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