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Got some big decisions too make

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hey guys, this is a bit random but i need some advice or opinions on what too do please.. right xmas 2009, i came on holiday from scotland down too south wales too visit my father, and decided too stay and live here, gave up my apprenticeship, 2 and a half year relationship and all my best mates etc etc,.... had a welding job in feb until august. where i was made redundant. as it goes.last in first out. been on jobseekers since then as there is nothing at all around here. i search everyday, have sent my cv off loads of times. and nothing. my own grandfather cant even give me a job with the family business its that quiet.

soo, im thinking. do i return back up too scotland and live with my mam. because theres plpenty of offshore industry up there and seems from what i can find. more job opportunites on shore aswell..

heads a mess atm and felt UKSC was the best place too share it :)

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fact is, money talks. money is what makes the world go around. and money is what pays the bills and sets u up for a house and a family. sometimes we get lucky and we find a good job close to home, but other times we gotta sacrifice and upsticks and go to where the work is. if u want to have the money for the car and your own gaff and your own life, u need the work. if it aint where u are then u may need to seriously consider going to where the work is.

living, eating, driving, family, house, kids - its all about the moneeeeyyyyyyyy.


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They say money doesnt buy happiness.......but what they dont realise is wether you like it or not you need money to live!!! FACT

Sometimes youve got to go where the money takes you and if thats scotland you may have to think about it

I think the main issue though is Why did you leave to live in wales in the first place? if it was a big enough reason that might be a big reason not to return....even if you need the money

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it is true guys. u need money too live fact an all that, i no i made a silly choice moving down but i hated living with my mother etc, i was kicked out and living on a sofa for 3 months. didnt really have any option. but now sorted things out with the mother she says it would b different now im older and ive lost my attitude :), i was gonna leave the apprenticeship anyway because i wasnt bein taught anything. i was teaching myself..

aberdeen is where i no tbh, work is always there with the offshore industry. i suppose now i feel ready. christ my heads a frigging mess.

see what my father says tonight when we have a sit down.. hopefully!.

cheers for the feedback.

and im very sorry about my signature fucking up everyones laptops by bein too big :lol:

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