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I had the most horrible experience today, was in town with a mate and my brother.

As we left town I was driving as normal down a busy 30 road, saw a girl aged 13 headlock a boy about age 11 on the left pavement. This could either be messing around or either bullying, i dunno. But as she let him go, he staggered onto the road right infront of my car, i had split seconds to slam on the brakes but..... it was too close, i hit the kid in the legs and he flew on my bonnet and landed back on the floor whilst my car stopped. He just got up and started walking off, but his face was all pale and his head was bleeding a bit.

I was fricking bricking myself as i couldn't believe i have hit someone and that bang sound as i hit him

almbulance came, i was questioned by police as they normally do, take details and stuff.

I had a withness there, i know the accident wasn't my fault as some people said they think they saw the girl push him into the road.

No damages whatso ever to my car, which is good, shows i wasn't travelling fast and had brake pretty good.

That's my story for the day i'll share on the forum.

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you see they can put as many adverts on the tv about telling people to slow down but kids now just have no regard for their own saftey and just mess about at the side of the road.

I know it sounds harsh but it has probably done some good to them to have an accident like that.if they have to learn the hard way that getting hit by a car really hurts then so be it.

And if you still think im being harsh.i used to be one of those dicks at the side of the road messing about many many years ago. i also found out the hard way that roads are dangerous.i was cycling along the pavement and i didnt bother to look out for traffic.i was instantly knocked off by and articulated lorry.it hit me head on and i bounced 20ft off my bike.i was in absolut agony.i spent a couple of hours in hospital and then was allowed to walk out.i didnt break anything i just got a scrape on my arm.i felt like the luckiest person ever.

i dont ever not look now.even in a car aswell.my mates take the mick because it takes me ages to come out of a junction.but over two years of driving and im the only one without an accident.

i feel sorry that you had to experience hitting someone as i bet its the most frightening thing ever.

glad everyone is ok though. ;)

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Not good shelly! At least no-one was seriously hurt or the car damaged! I hit a drunk guy once years ago,he stepped out without looking, bounced off the car and got up and walked off! Was only doin 25-30 mph too.

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Awwwwww Shelly i bet it was awful for you!!!

Glad it turned out much better than it could have been ;)

people dont realise when pedestrians get hit by cars when its the pedestrians fault the driver has to live with the fact that they hurt them or even killed them in some cases!! i know i would never forget it if it happened to me!

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glad it wasnt worse for you shelly, ive had a kid ran out infront of me before but luckely i managed to brake in time it was awful close,

my first reactions were anger after the stupidiy of the kid i almost hit, glad everythings ok and your glanzas fine too

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Oh dear, luckily the kid was ok, thanks to your quick reactions ;)

As said before, those two kids will behave at the side of the road in future.

(if it makes you feel better, the girl who headlocked him probably felt pretty guilty about it too)

Must be a horrible feeling though.....

Glad all is well though :p

Take it easy everyone (in and out of your cars)


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Thanks guys and girl ;)

My mate got out the car and said to the girl "what are you doing?!"

I got out and said to the girl "you shouldn't be playing around on the side of a busy road!!"

she looked like she was gonna cry, i couldnt help telling her off as someone got hurt by it.

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