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I've just this evening discovered why my 94 gt wouldn't start, it seems the alternator/AC compressor belt has snapped and gone inside the timing cover and fused to the cover infront of cam pulley resulting in the car jumping teeth and smushing the exhaust valves on the pistons :,( needless to say I need a new head but what's the best option, is it to get the head re worked with. We valves etc or get a 2nd hand head???? Also would I need to do anything with the pistons etc?!?? Any advice is most welcome............. Cheers :)

Should say re worked with new valves........

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I went on auto data to check this out and it said 'beware these are interference engines?!' well it's definitely jumped teeth and I boroscoped the chamber and it seems as though they've hit, also when you wind it over it sounds like there is no compression and there's a strong smell of fuel from the air intake :S

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defo non interference i have a few taken apart here dude, tell them you want to see them cause it sounds well off that result like

my old engine jumped teeth before just reset it and no issues what so ever

there would be a smell of petrol as the timing is off, fuel is entering and not being burned properly not all depending on how much off the timing is

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