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About H_D

  • Rank
    Starlet Specialist

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    east midz

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  1. Use a celica gt4 map sensor, its a direct fit but the tuner will need to scale it
  2. E1 and TE1 need to be bridged whilst setting timing
  3. Since i added extra earths ive not had any issues
  4. Pm me if u still need a crank pulley
  5. If its using a ct9 core the fittings are different. If its a td04 core then u need all the bits i mentioned in the original post. Will the oil feed be positioned facing straight up
  6. If its for a ct9 that sits in the stock position just use the original oil and water lines. My guide is for a TD04 🤦‍♂️
  7. Send me a pic of your set up il have a look for you
  8. Got a crank pulley here. 1 tiny chip on it
  9. You need the spring clip. I took 1 off an old release bearing.
  10. as above im after a 4efte block and crank
  11. H_D


    Bare in mind a used rad is over 21 years old
  12. H_D


    Sadly discontinued from toyota, dont bother with the skinny ebay ones. I ended up buying a zep radiator from rhdjapan.
  13. H_D

    tmic cover

    Looking for stock TMIC cover please PM me Thanks
  14. Purchased these new years ago and never used them as i ended up fitting an anti lift kit instead. Any idea on what they might be worth and would anyone know if they would fit an ep82?
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