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Unfortunate Events: Heartless People Out There!...(Piss'd Off)

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This Happened to my mates black glanza Monday then on Wednesday when he was driving into his estate some one threw a brick at it and dented the bonnet in 3 places

Didn't he run them over or run after them and throttled them just imagine it smashed through a window or the glass shattered on him fuk sake man

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Na the asshole ran off as soon as he did it, it was literally on the top right hand side of the bonnet about 2 inches for his windscreen, he knows who it was so there time is coming, it's a family of scrubs that wreck people's property cause they got f*ck all for them selfs

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There's no winning with families like that they've nothing to lose, hide your car they'll target your house and endanger your family and they seem to be immune to the justice system.

If your going to get your own back you've got to be mega sly about it!

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Bollocks checked home CCTV gues what....

My fucking detatched neighbours now and now it clicks that they left last night and have gone Australia to live for good and sold the house that's now empty!

They always complained about me coming home late nights that the car is too loud!


Edited by Ep'd
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What a bunch of wankers.

I'd post a shit through their letterbox and have em about it when they get back.

Sold the house months back but moved out for good yesterday for good!!!!!

All makes sense now

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dont know the chap involved,but id say they tryd all the usuall things you would do if your car was stolen,what would the cops do,have better hope getting it yourself,

Edited by AlancEP82
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Just realised too that they chipped well threw something at my duck bill spoiler it was chipped and cracked did not notice until I looked carefully so filled it with tiger seal smoothed it over and touched up with the halfords touch up pen hardly can tell...

Fuk sake

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I can totally understand and feel with those who have had this done to a car of their own. My car is parked in a private car park at night just for residents, unfortunately this faces a notorious cycle path. To date, i've had attempted stolen twice (screwdrivers in both locks), passenger window, front, and rear window smashed in, keyed down one side, two tires slashed on the same side at the same time, and a seperate incident when I was house sitting for my dad when he was on holiday where some stupid twat from Glasgow decided to take his rage out by kicking my drivers door and rear quarter in.

This shit is soul destroying. 5 Year loan for this thing, 13 hour shifts at work a lot of the time the car looks like it's owned by someone who doesn't give a f**k. If I win the lottery, apart from fixing my bodywork im going to buy a massive blacked out pickup. A team the shit out of it, take the plates off and we are all going on a vigilante hunt for these kind of people!!

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