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Opinions on Jobs

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I am a fully qualified panel beater by trade, i can do the job and have been in the business 7 years, unfortunately over the past year and a bit i have been being used for driving and "the cure for everyone elses lazyness" I've been being given promises from my manager that he wants to train me up to be an estimator which would be cool, but hes full of shit.

Today i was asked to go for an interview at another bodyshop, with promise of more training and an opportunity to improve my skills.

The question is, do i go for the interview? Hold out for the promises my boss has given me or look for something completly different?

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you go for the interview for practice, take it out of your annual leave ofcourse and it will be worth the experience.

then if you get offered the post in the new place you go back to your manager or preferrable the ultimate boss, and say ive been offered a post elsewhere to progress my career, BUT i would be happy to stay if i can have a payrise and insurances regarding my future, and then explain the sort of training/progression you want to see.

PS do you keep recorded time for tasks in the panel beating industry?

if so what is your percentage efficiency ?


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Go go for the interview and speak to your boss tell him your not happy at work and if things don't change your going to have to start looking for other jobs might make him come good if he thinks you are looking to leave or it could go the other way and he could say fine get another job plenty of people looking work these days

Edited by Whitenoize
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you go for the interview for practice, take it out of your annual leave ofcourse and it will be worth the experience.

then if you get offered the post in the new place you go back to your manager or preferrable the ultimate boss, and say ive been offered a post elsewhere to progress my career, BUT i would be happy to stay if i can have a payrise and insurances regarding my future, and then explain the sort of training/progression you want to see.

PS do you keep recorded time for tasks in the panel beating industry?

if so what is your percentage efficiency ?


I like that. Bordering on blackmail but not quite enough to be illegal lol he might start listening after that!

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you go for the interview for practice, take it out of your annual leave ofcourse and it will be worth the experience.

then if you get offered the post in the new place you go back to your manager or preferrable the ultimate boss, and say ive been offered a post elsewhere to progress my career, BUT i would be happy to stay if i can have a payrise and insurances regarding my future, and then explain the sort of training/progression you want to see.

Textbook approach and bluntly, IMO the only way to get what you want from your career.

Been where you are myself (just in a different trade), I came to the conclusion that once you show you're willing to do whatever is asked of you without complaining, they take advantage and will keep feeding you bullshit to keep you sweet for as long as possible.

By getting another job offer you show you're worth more than they credit you for, either they up their game or you take a better offer. Either way it's win-win mate :)

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just be careful not to throw too much out before if/when you are guaranteed a job offer from the other place.

if you do get that offer I wouldn't even bother asking your current boss anything just say your leaving. If he is as full of shit as you say he is then he will be fully aware of why you are not happy and have found employment elsewhere. and if he is fully aware of how good at your job you are then he will more than likely to offer you a better contract to stay where you are now. and if he doesn't you just leave lol

i think thats a better approach than demanding stuff (even if its stuff you deserve). if the managers a bellend then he probably wont respond well to that approach. just my 2p

Edited by richglanzav
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Thanks for the input guys. I've decided im gonna go for it, I've handed in my cv to the company so fingers crossed. Im at the age where i can still take the bull by the horns and get stuck in to it.

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Great news. Tomorrow is my last day in my current position. Monday I start my new job as an estimator. Conviniently, a young estimator left the bodyshop im going to so I was offered his position, more money, cleaner, free coffee and a warm office.

All I will say is if you feel like your stuck in a rut and being fed the lines "be glad you have a job in this climate". Bollocks. Get yourselves out there. You create your own fate.

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Congrats on the new job mate hope ypu enjoy it!

I used to do panel beating but found it very tedious, now do mechanics and find it alot more interesting.

And like you said fuck being stuck in a job where you dont wanna be get yourself out there set yourself a goal!

Goodluck mate hope all goes well

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